Obama Defends Clinton Foundation: ‘Saved Countless Lives’ – IOTW Report

Obama Defends Clinton Foundation: ‘Saved Countless Lives’

Breitbart: President Barack Obama attempted Tuesday to defend the Clinton Foundation against criticism that Hillary Clinton and her husband used it as a vehicle for self-enrichment and bribery, accepting donations from foreigners and companies with business before the State Department.

clinton cash

“You want to debate foundations and charities? One candidate’s family foundation has saved countless lives around the world. The other candidate’s foundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a six-foot-tall painting of himself,” Obama said at a Hillary Clinton rally in Philadelphia, referring to reports about the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

The Clinton Foundation was flagged by the Charity Navigator watchdog last year, which placed the Clintons’ charity on a “watch list” because of its “atypical business model.” Bill Allison of the Sunlight Foundation told the New York Post that the Foundation was “a slush fund for the Clintons.” In 2013, the Clinton Foundation only spent 10% of its budget on charity.  MORE

18 Comments on Obama Defends Clinton Foundation: ‘Saved Countless Lives’

  1. Woof Woof, snarl grrrrrrrr. yip yip yip. WOOF WOOF WOOF, slobber yelp yelp… Did the kenyan say something? all i hear is the Kennel Noise. Barky, you lost creds with America from your strong lust for muslims. go live over there Barky and take the she-wookie with you. We don’t need nor will we tolerate your bullshit anymore.

  2. Less than 10% of total take to Clinton Cartel/Foundation is given to those who kick it back to the Clintons.. Once again, Hussein, you prove your genius is all in your fouled stinky smelly asshole. You forgot to douche after the last Reggie love sessions.

  3. Dianny – Obama is also scared that even after he aprdons every single one of his slimy putrid political appointees from the last 8 years, there will be nobody to pardon HIM. And he knows that Trump will have no problem with having real, honest, diligent investigations opened up on The Most Corrupt Administration EVER.

  4. Pardons are not necessarily permanent.

    They can be issued by one official, then revoked by that official’s successor.

    So yes, Carter could have revoked Ford’s corrupt pardon of Nixon, and prosecuted him, if he had chosen to.

    Obama can issue all the Pardons he wants.
    President Trump can invalidate them all with a stroke of the Presidential pen.

    Trump 2016.

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