Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion – IOTW Report

Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion

‘I didn’t know anything.’

Federalist- Former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows. Farkas testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on June 26, 2017, as part of the committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Lawmakers keyed in on an appearance Farkas made on MSNBC on March 2, 2017, in which she urged intelligence community bureaucrats to disseminate within the government and potentially even leak to media any incriminating information they had about Trump or his aides.

“I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama administration] people who left…[that] it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy,” Farkas said.

Farkas, who served in the Obama administration as the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia from 2012 through 2015, also claimed that administration officials appointed by Trump might even destroy evidence of alleged collusion if they “found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff’s dealing with Russians.”

They might “try to compromise those sources and methods,” Farkas alleged in the MSNBC interview. “And we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

“Not enough was coming out into the open and I knew there was more,” Farkas claimed. keep reading

21 Comments on Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion

  1. One house of cards coming down??
    What are the chances this farce ends with the Choomer-in-Chief in the fetal position begging for mercy on account of his bastard birth status?
    Come on PRESIDENT Trump (you historic great one)! I’ll mount a monument of you in my garden!

  2. Lil Adam Shifty has lied about the same thing every where he goes. Including while conducting the people business. The guy should be drawn and quartered.

  3. Is there a lefty/commie anywhere that does not look like a refugee from the Star Wars bar scene ? I guess it’s true that politics IS Hollywood for ugly people. WOOF.

  4. She claimed she heard the bullshit lies from reporters.

    Where did the reporters hear the bullshit lies?

    She’s lying her ass off. She and the rest of the criminals in the obuthole admin were feeding the bullshit lies to the press.

  5. Exactly opposite. She told the truth on MSNBC. and she lied under oath. Atlantic Council Farkas knew all about the feeding frenzy after Obama’s E.O. 12333 a week before the Trump inauguration. She’s a classic case of Running For Office To Stay Out Of Jail.

  6. @Paul Revere – got it, over and out. Will meet you out on a dingy to exchange…will communicate soon…there is more work to be done…major BOLT tightening on the traitors.

    The Swamp has no idea about the concept of torque wrench on a bolt and the limits of that bolt.

    YOU keep riding Paul, keep doing what YOU do.

    “One ith by land, two ith by sea.”

  7. Thirdtwin: Bingo! Absolutely right. She told the truth on MSNBC and lied under oath. I read her testimony yesterday, and she is a very skilled, congenital liar. She’s almost the best amongst some of the most talented prevaricators this country has ever produced. Farkas is in Alger Hiss’ class. Farkas still thinks that everything she did was justified, because President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton was more deserving and progressive than the Great Usurper. She’s a seditious traitor.


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