Obama Economists Warn: Biden’s Build Back Better Will Make Inflation Worse; Stimulus Caused Inflation – IOTW Report

Obama Economists Warn: Biden’s Build Back Better Will Make Inflation Worse; Stimulus Caused Inflation

Daily Wire: Two former top economic officials for former President Barack Obama are warning that President Joe Biden’s massive social spending bill, known as the Build Back Better Act, will increase inflation at a time when rates are already skyrocketing and will add hundreds of billions of dollars a year to the national debt.

Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary for Clinton and Obama administration official, and Steven Rattner, Obama’s former auto czar, made the warnings in an interview last week with Bloomberg News.

When asked during the interview if Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar leftist spending bill would worsen inflation, Summers responded, “I think the inflation rate would be slightly higher in 2022 and 2023 with the Build Back Better than it would be without the Build Back Better.” more

11 Comments on Obama Economists Warn: Biden’s Build Back Better Will Make Inflation Worse; Stimulus Caused Inflation

  1. Doesn’t take a President from Harvard to know that if the government spends money on worthless projects that diverts useful resources from more productive use, you’re going to end up wrecking the economy.

    Inflation is a symptom of an economy made dysfunctional by bad government. There will be a price to pay.

  2. Hey here’s a novel idea… why don’t we just spend our way to prosperity?
    That’s always a good plan uh? Kinda like saying Socialism has worked every time it wuz tried!
    (at least for the minority of Elitists that is)

  3. Why do Barry and his economic “advisors” have their panties in a twist? How does the planned destruction of The United States affect them? Haven’t they, global progressive elites stolen enough fortunes to survive doomsday?
    Maybe Barry realizes his Demwit followers will figure out the disaster called, “Build Back Better” is his masterplan.

    Possibly, when the shiite hits the fan, Barry doesn’t want to get the blame.
    The nightmare of pitchforks and torches could be reality for Barry since Biden’s handlers intend to continue driving this country off a cliff using Barry’s plan.


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