Obama Education Sec. Arne Duncan: Boycott School Until Congress Passes Gun Control – IOTW Report

Obama Education Sec. Arne Duncan: Boycott School Until Congress Passes Gun Control


Obama administration education secretary Arne Duncan is suggesting Americans pull students from school until Congress passes gun control.

He says he and his family are ready to take part in such a boycott if it can be done “at scale.”

19 Comments on Obama Education Sec. Arne Duncan: Boycott School Until Congress Passes Gun Control

  1. I have a better idea. Withhold pay for teachers and especially admins until they get a decent ratio of trained and armed people in the schools, as well as excellent comms to handle the flow of information in a crisis.

  2. fine, put your money where your collective pie holes are … have your little progenies receive no grades … no scholarships … no ‘automatic’ entries into college for your precious snowflakes

    go to homeschooling …. ironic, ain’t it?

    I dare you, twatwaffles … DO IT!!!

  3. Heres another idea. Lets send over all of the Police and armed security guards assigned to protect our government buildings and scumbag politicians to the schools where our precious children are. Lets give them the same protection those rats are getting, at least we love and care about them. But in the eyes of these vermin only they deserve the protection, the school kids just dont matter to them. I demand these vermin relinquish their protection details and offer them to schools in the districts they represent.

  4. What the FUCK does gun control have to do with little kids deciding to kill their classmates? Honestly, the IQ of these people is in the basement. Bitch, if you want my guns come get them. Personally.

  5. My kids are out of the “Killing Zone” thankfully. My neighbors kids are not. Yikes I’m the oldest MoFo on the cul de sac. That’s OK, I’m the baddest one here too. With the exception of our neighbors to the west all lib anti gun MoFo’s. Well that’s all changed. These parents want to take turns protecting the schools. Armed. What a train wreck.

  6. homeschool now !

    homeschooling parents should get the same tax monies that the school district gets for each child they homeschool deducted from the public school coffers.

    then watch the teachers unions and democrats cry.

  7. It has gotten easier than ever to homeschool. There are so many resources online. Even online Christian schools.

    What else does Arne say? Come to my house and I’ll teach you a thing or two?
    The more these libidiots speak the happier I am I am not one.

  8. So, I’ll pay the same, and they’ll get the same Party title but know a few less things that aren’t so. Not a great deal, but I’ve been told “incrementalism” is the Only Way™, so I’m in.

  9. I think this is a brilliant idea. With all the things that have been going on in the school system lately, people do need to see the real problem and join these students in their fight against guns. I think that some children are better off school anyway. Most of them have already learned modern tools of self-education such as visiting the online service like Best Reviewer to help them with the writing skill development. thanks for the very insightful article and useful information.

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