Obama ending ‘wet foot, dry foot’ Cuban immigration policy – IOTW Report

Obama ending ‘wet foot, dry foot’ Cuban immigration policy

Miami Herald: The Obama administration said Thursday it is ending the controversial “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy — essentially turning the clock on decades of preferential treatment for Cuban refugees — and making those who arrive without visas subject to deportation.

The so-called “wet-foot” part of the policy was implemented following the 1994 rafter crisis that brought some 35,000 Cubans to U.S. shores.

The change, which took effect immediately, brought to a halt the practice that gave Cubans who arrive at U.S. borders without visas automatic entry to the United States — even if they had been smuggled in by human traffickers.
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SNIP: OK. So what’s the catch? This is 0bama we’re talking about and there’s always a  catch.

15 Comments on Obama ending ‘wet foot, dry foot’ Cuban immigration policy

  1. he wouldn’t do it except they vote republican and are not muslim.

    how hypocritical can this asshole get.
    let all kinds of dem hispanic and muslim voters in over southern border but block out the repub voting cubans?

    I wish we had a media to gut check this hypocrisy.

  2. And while you’re ripping up Barky’s Cuba Doctrine, President Trump, consider this:

    “Cuban voters in Florida tip modestly Republican, which helps explain Obama’s immigration restrictionist move today.
    The Democrats have been letting Puerto Rico fall apart to drive Puerto Ricans to the crucial purple state of Florida. The solution is independence for the island.”


    The naval artillery practice range at Vieques was the only reason to keep PR. Cut it loose.

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