Obama-era ethics chief calls out ‘grifty’ appearance of selling Hunter Biden art anonymously – IOTW Report

Obama-era ethics chief calls out ‘grifty’ appearance of selling Hunter Biden art anonymously

“This smells like an attempt to cash in on a family connection to the White House,” Shaub said.

Just the News-
Former Obama-era Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub is calling out the poor optics of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s art pieces selling for top dollar to anonymous purchasers. 

“The notion of a president’s son capitalizing on that relationship by selling art at obviously inflated prices and keeping the public in the dark about who’s funneling money to him has a shameful and grifty feel to it,” Shaub told Fox News on Monday. “Just as hotel charges and real estate purchases created a risk of unknown parties funneling money to the Trump family for potentially unsavory purposes, Hunter Biden’s grotesquely inflated art prices create a similar risk of influence-seekers funneling money to the Biden family,” he said.

Art dealer Georges Berges has priced pieces by Hunter Biden between $75,000 and $500,000, according to Fox Business


15 Comments on Obama-era ethics chief calls out ‘grifty’ appearance of selling Hunter Biden art anonymously

  1. Corruption in the Biden Family is an incurable disease, the greatest threat to our National Security.
    Where’s the Feckless FBI, Disassociated DOJ and the Negligible NSA.
    Unlike White Supremacy, Biden and his family’s Corruption is REAL.
    The elite remain above the law.

  2. This is not much different from a $5 million dollar advance on a book to be written by a powerful Democrat or her child. The artwork is just more subjective, can be produced quicker and requires less effort than writing. And you don’t need a ghost-painter.

    it’s funny how nobody ever pays millions of dollars to a Democrat scion for their pioneering breakthroughs in physics or engineering.

  3. Democrap suckers are a dime a dozen, democrap fools and their money are soon parted buying crappy so called art while raving about how avante garde it is. And we’re the one who they call Philistines if we don’t appreciate their crappy art projects.

  4. Democrap suckers are a dime a dozen, democrap fools and their money are soon parted buying crappy so called art while raving about how avante garde it is. And we’re the one who they call Philistines if we don’t appreciate their crappy art projects.

  5. Another case of replace Don Jr. with Hunter – if Don Jr. had (allegedly, no way Hunter put in any effort to make anything) a drug issue and got out his coke straw and blew paint all over some canvases which were going to be sold to undisclosed buyers for upwards of millions. Think the media or Congress might have cared.

  6. If Democrats worried about “appearances”, they wouldn’t have run obvious loser Pedo Joe and his cackling strumpet in the FIRST place, if you want to talk about OBVIOUS fraud.

    They are where they WANT to push it in our faces that yes, they ARE openly flouting the “laws” that they force the REST of us to obey, and there’s not a DAMN thing we can do about it.

    That’s kind of the POINT.

  7. Impeach 46! Emoluments Clause!

    @BFH, re: your post yesterday about MARK TRIBE, Chairman of the Fine Arts Dept at The School of Visual Arts (and son of LAURENCE TRIBE, leftist hack lawyer) praising Hunter’s work… Read this entry at Britannica (caps are my additions):

    The foreign emoluments clause also broadly encompasses any kind of PROFIT, BENEFIT, ADVANTAGE, or service, not merely gifts of money or valuable objects. Thus, it would prohibit a federal officeholder from receiving special consideration in business transactions with a foreign state (or with a corporation owned or managed by a foreign state) that gave the officeholder a competitive advantage over other businesses. Arguably, as THE LEGAL SCHOLAR LAURENCE TRIBE and others have suggested, the clause would forbid even competitively fair transactions with foreign states, because the profit accruing to the officeholder would fall within the ordinary meaning of “emolument,” and because such arrangements would threaten exactly the kind of improper influence that the clause was intended to prevent.

    You don’t suppose any of those anonymous art patrons would be foreign, do you?

  8. Hunter: “I don’t paint from emotion or feeling, which I think are both very ephemeral,” Biden told artnet on Monday. “For me, painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is, I think, the universal truth.”

    Yup, the guy is obviously a genius!

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