Obama Feared Biden Would Embarrass Himself in 2020 Run, New Book Claims – IOTW Report

Obama Feared Biden Would Embarrass Himself in 2020 Run, New Book Claims

Well, 0bama himself ran with him. So, how dumb is he?


A new book detailing the 2020 election claims that former President Barack Obama privately urged President Joe Biden not to run for the White House in 2020, and was “enamored” with one of his primary opponents.

“Obama’s fears about Biden and his team ran deep — deeper than defeat,” wrote Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in their new book “Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency,” according to excerpts from The Washington Free Beacon. “Obama worried that his former vice president would embarrass himself on the campaign trail and that the people around him would not be able to prevent a belly-flop.”

They add that Obama repeatedly pushed Biden not to run, writing that “it had stung Biden badly in 2015 when Obama made clear his preference for Hillary Clinton.”

The authors note that “Obama, like much of his brain trust, seemed to be enamored with a former Texas congressman, Beto O’Rourke,” in the 2020 Democratic Party primary. more

10 Comments on Obama Feared Biden Would Embarrass Himself in 2020 Run, New Book Claims

  1. Hey El Dumbo, Joe frickin Beijing Biden didn’t win the election and by the way you embarrassed the country as a whole when you were President, jackass.

  2. Biden embarrassed the entire nation in front of the world. He demonstrated the corrupt deep state and Democrat party’s control over this nation.

  3. I doubt that anyone but Biden could have beaten Trump, or that Harris could become our next President without his bringing her along with him.

    The majority of people hated Trump, but the Democrats still needed someone they didn’t hate as much or more to run against him and Biden filled the bill (they learned a lesson after Hillary lost).

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