Obama Foundation’s Bait and switch – IOTW Report

Obama Foundation’s Bait and switch

American Thinker: The Obama Presidential Center planned for Chicago is nothing more than a personal monument to Barack Obama and a center for political indoctrination in his radical views. It serves no public purpose the way that a presidential library would.  Obama’s presidential papers will not be housed there, and no scholars will be afforded the opportunity to explore the history of his presidency.

And, this is receiving vast public subsidies, despite assurances that it would be privately funded.  Barack and Michelle Obama have been playing a major role in its design, in a fashion reminiscent of a dictator putting up monuments to himself in some third world country. As the revised design stands, it will look like a cenotaph bizarrely erected before the death and burial of its principal.

I have written several pieces about the folly of the OPC. But I am delighted to be joined in this by the Wall Street Journal.   more

20 Comments on Obama Foundation’s Bait and switch

  1. “Obama’s presidential papers will not be housed there, and no scholars will be afforded the opportunity to explore the history of his presidency.”

    Thus continuing the Obama tradition of keeping everything in his past hidden. The most transparent administration ever!

  2. When I read this part: “a place where young people from around the world can meet each other, get training and prepare…” I couldn’t help but think of that compound that got busted in New Mexico last week.

  3. personal monument to Barack Obama and a center for political indoctrination in his radical views.

    Just as his divisive and destructive presidency, the US Taxpayers are again forced to fund obama’s subversive monument to our own destruction.

    President Trump, this is a good place to start finding funds for the WALL!

  4. Someone in chicago needs to read Jane Jacob’s “Death and Life of Great Cities.” That was required reading when I studied urban planning. Probably not so much today. Their mayor will give hussein that jewel, and further destroy that city.
    ‘The parkland was first developed as the host site of the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893, memorialized today by the Statue of The Republic.’
    I’m sure they’ll railroad it through. After all, chicago is a railroad town.
    And it will set a precedent for President Trump to put his library in New York’s Central Park. It’s all about equality, right?


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