Obama: “Freed Gitmo Prisoners Could Rejoin the Taliban” – IOTW Report

Obama: “Freed Gitmo Prisoners Could Rejoin the Taliban”

“could”? wtf?? You’re a friggin’ idiot!!
When those assholes kill Americans again, whose fault is it? Bush?
Boehner – where are your balls? America – wake the fuck up!

12 Comments on Obama: “Freed Gitmo Prisoners Could Rejoin the Taliban”

  1. Shades of his not so “shovel ready” admission.

    “I guess that Quatar monitoring assurance wasn’t as sure as we thought it was. Heh heh heh.”

  2. The only good thing is IF we can find them, we can kill them. Something that could not happen in Gitmo

    Won’t happen until after 2016 but it can be done.

  3. Something tells me we are all being intentionally fucked with to ferret out the public’s responses via the NSA. The absurdity level keeps getting ratcheted up a notch with each day.

  4. so this really is my nightmare right? I mean I have to be dreaming all this stuff. America would never be this stupid!! Must wake up must wake up

  5. How often do I have to keep repeating it: It is a fatal mistake to ascribe “good intentions” to the progressive movement. Their intent is to destroy western civilization so that they can remake it into their version of Utopia.

    They are evil, that is the simple fact of the matter. Their ideology is evil and has absolutely no redeeming qualities to speak of.

    These are the heirs to the American Progressive movement of the 1920s and 1930s that supported the National Socialists as they rose to power and as they consolidated their power in Germany and they are also the heirs to the holocaust (which they knew full well was taking place).

    They only turned on Hitler when he attacked the USSR under Stalin, who they held in slightly higher regard than they did Hitler.

    Read their own contemporary literature from that era, it is all right there. They have not changed one iota and they represent nothing but a death cult.

    Furthermore, not only do they want to destroy the body…they also wish to condemn the immortal soul to an eternity in hell. Take a look at what they support and it is unequivocal what they are all about and it is high time people pulled their heads out of their asses and recognize these bastards for what they are.

  6. These actions aren’t stupidity or gullibility. It’s intentional. It is hostility toward the USA. The flood of illegals right now… does anyone imagine that is a coincidence? Someone is orchestrating it.

  7. Now in all fairness to Zero, Hagel, Kerry, Rice,Stephonapolisp, Biden,etc., those Gitmo Five fellas promised to stay in Quatar for a full year, fuking goats and playing soccer. If they lied, well, there ain’t much we can do about that, is there? I mean we are not children, are we?

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