Obama Hid 470,000 Bin Laden Docs So He Could Lie To America – IOTW Report

Obama Hid 470,000 Bin Laden Docs So He Could Lie To America

The Lid: Bin Laden is dead, al Qaeda is on the run? Eh….not so much.  That was a lie invented by Barack Obama to secure his 2012 reelection as was the myth that Benghazi attack was caused by a lousy anti-Islam movie trailer on YouTube, and the ’80s called they want their foreign policy back.   Now thanks to Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard we find out one more Obama national security subterfuge designed to make voters think he was a successful president deserving reelection and to save his legacy Iran deal. The reason why we never got to see those Bin Laden documents till now, was Obama kept them hidden because they hurt his “al Qaeda is on the run” pitch and they revealed an Iran/al Qaeda alliance.

“In a powerful and comprehensive piece in The Weekly Standard, editor Stephen Hayes delineates in detail how the Obama Administration hid almost half a million documents seized from the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in order to perpetuate the lie that Al Qaeda was defeated after bin Laden’s death, thus paving the way for Obama’s 2012 victory.

“Hayes begins his odyssey into the Obama Administration’s duplicity by noting that the day before Obama left the White House, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issue a press release claiming the administration had declassified enough documents seized in the raid to ‘close the book’ on bin Laden. The release was even titled, ‘Closing the Book on Bin Laden: Intelligence Community Releases Final Abbottabad Documents.’

Actually, Clapper only released enough documents to close a tiny pamphlet on Bin Laden. But that’s not what we were told right after the Bin Laden raid.  read more here

14 Comments on Obama Hid 470,000 Bin Laden Docs So He Could Lie To America

  1. The original article notes that the documents in possession of our own intelligence agencies all this time show that Iran was the main funding source for Al Qaeda. Yet while knowing this, Obama gave Iran tens of billions of American dollars in cash.

    It seems to me that there is no doubt whatsoever that Obama himself is guilty of financing terrorism using American taxpayer dollars …… the very constitutional definition of treason against America. Not only is obama guilty, but all of the intelligence apparatus that knew this including Clapper and Brennan are just as guilty.

    I would say that all of them should be put up on charges in front of a military tribunal, but after today’s Bergdahl sentencing the only possibility of actual justice may be actions carried out by an angry mob of Americans.

  2. There is no way underlings in the intelligence community didn’t know this, so just how dangerous are they to our national security?

    Don’t get me wrong Obama hated this country and I think he did his best to destroy us, but the intelligence community is forever and more powerful than any President or Congresscritter. Then they get to do everything in secret because it’s classified information to protect our national security.

  3. @bad brad and tsunami, I saw that same article on Weasel Zippers earlier, then it disappeared. Very strange that it would turn up somewhere else.

    Someone playing with our pointed little heads, maybe?

  4. So those of us who from day one hated the fraudulent little muslim fag with a passionate white hot heat actually weren’t the tin-foil hat wearing paranoids ! Golly gee !

    That Tree of Liberty is so parched, it better get watered, and pronto!

    A good example for how to punish o’Barky can be found in a gas station incident at Giulino di Mezzegra, circa 1945. If he whines that Bergdahl got off easy, that’ll make his end better.

  5. Ask any 0bama supporters, I mean worshippers, what has 0bama done and they will start counting on their hand (like there are too many things to enumerate):
    “…Gave health Insurance to millions who could never, ever, in no way shape or form, ever get any kind of Insurance.
    Killed Bin Laden,…”
    and then with their middle finger up, “I could go on and on but I don’t have time now.”

  6. Osama IS NOT DEAD! The liar president puts ‘lie’ to everything out of his mouth or deed. No wonder his library looks like a mausoleum. It will house the most toxic presidency, in the U.S. history.

  7. barry will get his just desserts when he assumes room temperature and he’s going to wish he wasn’t such a big jackass in how he treated the American people. Thank God hellary lost otherwise she would’ve finished destroying everything good that barry hadn’t quite destroyed. Us deplorables are smarter and more conservative than we think we are and deserve a lot of credit for seeing thru all the bs of last years presidential election propagandized by the lamestream media.

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