DEA Chief, Obama holdover / Comey buddy, calls it quits – IOTW Report

DEA Chief, Obama holdover / Comey buddy, calls it quits


DC: The acting head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will step down at the end of the week due to concerns about President Donald Trump’s lack of respect of law.

Chuck Rosenberg, who served as chief of staff to former FBI director James Comey, has decided to resign out of concern that Trump does not display adequate concern for the rule of law, two law enforcement officials told The New York Times.

The long time federal prosecutor made his opposition to Trump known in an agency-wide memo sent in early August, in which he decried Trump’s suggestion that law enforcement officers should subject suspected criminals to harsh physical treatment. MORE

15 Comments on DEA Chief, Obama holdover / Comey buddy, calls it quits

  1. Well, this saves Trump from firing him. I think he knew Trump was going to fire him and he decided to quit and whine about it. Another swamp creature gone! Good riddance! I hope Mueller is next.


    All Trump said is that psychopathic MS-13 destroys our neighborhoods, and police don’t need to worry so much about making sure their head doesn’t hit the squad-car when arresting them. BIG DEAL.

    Dumbass Shannon Sharpe cried about “police brutality” on his show, but since I can’t understand what he says, I had to read the English subtitles.

  3. If you have a tattoo on your face, it is probably too late to smack some sense into your head. So in that sense Mr. Trump is wrong to advocate for it because it is a waste, therefor inefficient.
    Unless he meant for the cops to whack them so hard that they would ‘straighten up and fly right’ then I think at least an attempt should be made.
    If for no other reason than the pursuit of knowledge.

  4. When every toadie of the Obama administration is gone or in prison (e.g. Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, James Comey and all their underlings) then I will be happy.

    Drain the swamp, baby, and watch the scummy pond life writhe in agony in the bright light of day.

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