Obama ‘Hope’ designer endorses Sanders – IOTW Report

Obama ‘Hope’ designer endorses Sanders

The Hill: Artist and activist Shepard Fairey, who designed the iconic “Hope” poster during then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, is backing Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.


“I’m supporting Bernie Sanders, because I want to push principles, not personalities,” Fairey said in a video released by the Sanders campaign on Wednesday evening.

“I’m tired of portraits,” he continued. “I want to make images about people of substance, about the issues they care about.”  more

SNIP: Tired of portraits, he says? Maybe it’s because he was sued by AP for the last ‘portrait’ he did. LOL

12 Comments on Obama ‘Hope’ designer endorses Sanders

  1. sorry … this progtard already showed us how stupid & ignorant he was back in 2008…. he obviously hasn’t learned anything since then

    … how about a new meme to fit your devolving thought processes….something like …. ‘Redistribution is the Solution’ … or some other retarded drivel

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