Obama: ‘I Make Love to Men Daily’ – IOTW Report

Obama: ‘I Make Love to Men Daily’

American Thinker|Jack Cashill:

In composing my new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency,  I thought hard about whether I should address the question of Barack Obama’s sexuality.

Two considerations persuaded me to pursue the issue. One was the no-holds-barred media treatment of the sex life, real and imagined, of Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. The second was the fact that despite Obama’s early feint to the center, his presidency was something of a golden age for gay America. A May 2012 Newsweek cover story, in fact, dubbed Obama “the first gay president.” 

Understandably, the fear of offending the “black church” made Obama initially cautious about championing the LGBT cause, but there may have been another reason for his restraint. Obama faced rumors that he himself was gay. No subject made those close to Obama more nervous.

College girlfriend Alex McNear, for instance, redacted a section of a letter she shared with Obama biographer David Garrow, thinking Obama’s reflections on homosexuality “too explosive.” Her concern was understandable.

In his early twenties, Obama had written to McNear that he viewed gay sex as “an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life.” Obama continued, “You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination. My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so.” This passage did not make the hardcover edition of Garrow’s 2017 book, Rising Star. READ MORE

22 Comments on Obama: ‘I Make Love to Men Daily’

  1. I hope oblowme is fully exposed for the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on America.

    (And in the interest of accurate reportage, the therapist cited by the write, “Neo-Neocon” is either not the same NeoNecon.com or, if it is, she is not a therapist.)

  2. “…in 2016 was Garrow able to access the original and even then with some difficulty. Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights historian, included the passage above in the paperback version of his book. No one noticed.”

    Because nobody cared. By 2016, everybody knew Obama was a fruit.

    I had no doubt he was after Reggie Love said this:

    “Shoes were always the biggest challenge for the senator,” writes Love. “The man was particular about his feet. He wouldn’t just throw on any old pair of mukluks. They had to look a certain way, feel a certain way. Anytime he couldn’t wear his favorite dress flats, it was an issue.”

    Straight men don’t talk about shoes this way. Ever.

  3. When I write my pictorial biography about my Petey B and my unbleached elastic starfish the title is going to be called, “My Petey B And My Unbleached Elastic Starfish!”

  4. Ah finally the beginnings of confirmation… after starting this journey during Obama’s first term when I was 16- finally I begin to see truth seep through.

    Remember the local interviews with both mothers of the murdered gay men from Obama’s church? The execution style murders with nothing taken and no suspects ever apprehended. And it all conveniently occurred just before Obama ran for senate.

    The gay bathhouse that had confirmed transactions from him and Rahm Emanuel…

    The cuddly photographs of Obama and his Muslim companions when Obama traveled the Middle East after collage. Straight men cross bare legs with each other cheek to cheek on a couch. Yep total bros.
    (Not like Muslims culturally ‘explore’ during that age…)

    I can’t find any of this stuff now when I search for it. But 10 + years ago it was there.

  5. I initially thought the Larry Sinclair story was a smear campaign – until the the Donald Trump campaign and presidency.
    Watching the extent that the republican and democrat leadership, along with the MSM, will go to in destroying someone is an eye opener. I’ve been rethinking a lot about my previous views because of this.
    There is evil in our midst and it is firmly entrenched in American politics.

  6. Now why was it so important to Obama to let gay men into women’s bathrooms?
    And all the other perversions he managed to foist onto America?
    Like men competing in women’s sports, et al.
    Because he himself is a deranged pervert.
    He mainstreamed perversions.
    and Larry Sinclair
    Had a steamy
    love affair

  7. Did Obama have a few sheep grazing the white house lawn too?

    Beastiality seems like the next logical progression for this deviant {unless Big Mike checks that box already}

  8. Despite President Obama’s bravery and righteousness in calling for marriage equality, our country continues to struggle with this issue, although recent polls now show that the majority of Americans support marriage equality and that the issue of same-sex marriage has not negatively influenced the President’s chances for re-election. Still, the right for gay men to marry remains elusive in the majority of US states. Unfortunately, until such time when gay men, and all LGB individuals more broadly, are conferred their rights under the law, we as a population will also continue to be unduly burdened by physical and mental health conditions, including HIV. President Obama has charted a course for a future that enhances the well-being of gay men. We can only hope that within one generation the entire country will follow suit, and in time these social conditions that compromise our health will be a thing of the past.

  9. Jack was right about Trayvon and he’s right about Barry. It’s only a matter of time before Barry follows Bruce J’s example and starts wearing dresses.

    Meanwhile Moochelle’s gender will remain one of the great mysteries like “Where is Jimmy Hoffa?”

    Only an autospsy by Cyril Weick(sic) could tell us for sure…

  10. ZZ Top was on top of this situation from the get go

    Rumor spreading round
    That Great Lakes town
    Bout a bath house north of Desplaines
    Jes let me know
    If you wanna go
    Meet a … POTUS named Hussein
    He’s got a real beard for a wife, HA!

    Have mercy, a haw, haw, haw
    A haw, haw, haw

    Might squeeze your palm
    Round mayor Rahm
    And get a ten spot for a tip
    Might ram a glove
    In Reggie Love
    Unless he’s already taken
    (Hum, hum, hum …)


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