Obama: I’m staying in Washington after leaving White House – IOTW Report

Obama: I’m staying in Washington after leaving White House



President Obama confirmed Thursday that he and his family won’t be leaving Washington immediately after his term ends in January.

During a stop at a restaurant in Milwaukee to meet with Obamacare enrollees, Mr. Obama was asked by a woman where he plans to live after he departs the White House.

“We haven’t figured that out yet,”


34 Comments on Obama: I’m staying in Washington after leaving White House

  1. Why not Kenya? He could run for President there and also keep his position as the President of the Hate America First Club (Hillary, Bernie and Joe Biden are honorary members)! His Mau Mau instincts could continue to flourish and he could hear the Muslim call to prayer every night! Probably couldn’t take Michael (Mooch) with him however as Trannys are not loved in that part of the world. That should be a very small sacrifice though in order to get back to his historical roots and home!

  2. Well, if he needs some suggestions; They don’t want him back in Kenya because he went there preaching queerness to them, even though he knows they hate queers.

    Chicago is just as f*ck*d up as he left it.
    San Francisco might be his best bet. Or Pockeeestaughn. He could teach umbrella physics there. Just GTFO of America please.

  3. This is actually one of the very few decisions he’s made that I can get behind. 1.) He will be with all the other criminals where he belongs and not stinking the place up for others. 2.) Let the kids finish school where they’ve been for the past 8 years, it’s a decent school so there’s no real need to force them to integrate somewhere else. Especially with all the security, fame, etc. They’re ugly, but they’re kids.

  4. He’ll be trolling the right by day and trolling the night for gays.

    And helping Mooch get the perfect job for her lazy, fat ass:

    “As a shadow senator, Brown receives no pay from the government,[5][6] receives no budget from the government,[7][8] and cannot vote on matters before the Senate.[7] While he does not have an office in the United States Senate, the Government of the District provides the position with an office.[7] Brown lobbies the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives on behalf of the citizens of the District in their attempt to gain full representation in Congress,[9][10] self-determination,[10] and eventually admittance to the Union as a state.”


    Dude is white, so it’ll be like taking candy from a baby.

  5. It is a true measure of how far we have fallen as a country to have had leaders such as George Washington and his Cincinnatus-like departure from office (and I would even include Harry Truman as a fair comparison) to the power gropers such as Bill/Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who gravitate to power over all else.

  6. Fags, rat-people, rag-heads, politicians, perverts, liars, grifters, lawyers, thieves, murderers, rapists, dope-peddlers, dope-addicts, prostitutes, pick-pockets … and now THIS!

    There goes the neighborhood …

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