Obama Is NOT Happy About Trump’s Iran Deal Pullout – IOTW Report

Obama Is NOT Happy About Trump’s Iran Deal Pullout

DC: Former President Barack Obama strongly pushed back against President Donald Trump’s Tuesday decision to withdraw the U.S. from the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal.

Pres. Obama: “I believe that the decision to put the JCPOA at risk without any Iranian violation of the deal is a serious mistake. Without the JCPOA, the United States could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the Middle East.”


See Also:

White House Sources: John Kerry’s Stealth Lobbying Backfired, Helped Kill The Iran Deal.

“[Kerry’s] bulls**t ultimately killed the deal.”

52 Comments on Obama Is NOT Happy About Trump’s Iran Deal Pullout

  1. Amazing how a jumped up community organizer gained insight into multiple national nuclear oversight and verification protocols that would strain a person with truly exceptional intelligence and experience.

    Then again, he was referred to as the “Magic Negro”, so there is that.

    I just see jealousy at watching an actual leader put his team into effective action. Something he never had, and never did.

  2. Yeah, like I’m gonna make investment decisions based on this guy’s opinion about anything. LOL!

    “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.”

  3. Obola is like some kind of super virus that just won’t be killed by normal means.

    I still wonder what the entire story is behind this basketball sniffer becoming The President of The United States.

  4. What’s amazing, apart from Barry’s sense of self-importance, is that he has not had access to intelligence for 16 months, yet ‘knows’ that Iran hasn’t violated the agreement. Typical politician, saying what he wants without regard for facts.

  5. As bad as this unratified Executive Order was, it never would have passed the Senate as a treaty. So the Great Appeaser sold out the country with the help of his captive press. Even worse, Omohammed alerted the Iranians that the Israelis were planning to attack their nuclear research and development centers early in his Administration. Ocorpseman disrupted the Israelis’ plans to refuel and rearm their war planes in Azerbaijan after striking the Iranians. Once the Israelis provoke the Mad Mullahs into attacking Israel or Saudi Arabia, all hell is going to break loose in the Middle East. As bad as this is going to be, it’s much better than a nuclear armed Iran will be in a few years.

  6. Hey, obutthole…..stick it in Michelle’s ass then crawl in afterwards.

    You two have become the most divisive, intrusive, negative, anti-American, unreal, despicable, problems in American history.

  7. How does that expression go? Lucky in love…..

    Go console yourself in the bosom (and big biceps) of Mooch and give your fake chillren a big old fake hug, Urkel.

  8. My, but you are an ignorant f^ckwit Barry.
    Not only are you the stupidest jackass to ever hold the position, your arrogance makes you think you are still relevant.
    If there is any justice in the world, you will drown yourself with your own golf cart.

  9. A return to law and constitutional order is a threat to the tyrant.

    It wasn’t a treaty. It was all based on a lie to give ValJar and Kerry’s families the lead role in the Middle East. Trading Sunnis for Shias.

    Trump should just ask Obama – where did you get $150,000,000,000.00 to pay them you traitor.

  10. To add to what Ed357 said, Trump45 has a spine to go along with the phone and pen.

    STFU Obutthole. If the village idiot yammers in the lame stream media does it make a sound?

  11. Who give a shit what ofuckingbama thinks! He has done nothing but try to undermine the USA ever since that Kenyan poser got put into office. He belongs in GITMO!

  12. “Without the JCPOA, the United States could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the Middle East.”

    Isn’t that what Iran is now, or very soon will be, that is, nuclear-armed?

    Obumble’s use of the word “eventual” makes it sound like Trump is pushing them in that direction, but it is a direction they were already headed.

  13. Let the has-been cry. We are enjoying his despair at watching his plan to destroy America fade into the night where nightmares belong. He can join them there.


  14. To hell with the scum trying to cross the border from Mexico…give Israel our southern border land have them relocate here and nuke the middle east as a whole!

  15. Barry Obama did not give a DAMN about destroying American jobs as he implemented his Kenyan shithole agenda against the people of the United States. He went after the Medical device industry with a vengeance and many good people lost their jobs, were displaced. or took crappy employment simply to work.
    And he complains about policy effecting the camel humpers and terrorists he tried to placate.
    He can rot in hell.

  16. Obumbles “Legacy” is rapidly becoming the size of a roll of toilet paper in his “Porta – Potty” sized library. It’s becoming less valuable each day, but you will be able to wipe with it.

  17. Always been proud of my country, I served it early and proudly, while the ‘in crowd’ demeaned her.
    I have never been prouder of her invincibility than on the morning of November 9, 2016.
    Admit to early misgivings about President Trump, now I want to declare him the Kwisatz Haderach.
    Could be wrong, thought I was wrong before, I was wrong.

  18. He thought he was a king and his flimsy decrees would live eternally. He never thought they’d be unceremoniously dumped by a real president who is a real man with a real wife and a real beautiful family.

    And he still doesn’t have the sense to STOP. TALKING.

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