Obama is now ‘campaigning’ in Canada – IOTW Report

Obama is now ‘campaigning’ in Canada

He just can’t STFU, can he?

American Thinker:

In his latest jet-setting travels, this time to Canada, President Obama warned of “authoritarianism” taking hold, in what his media ally, CNN, helpfully revealed was a veiled attack on President Trump.  Politics, for Obama, doesn’t seem to stop at the water’s edge.  In his frustrated ex-presidency, it appears he really is determined to be the Backseat Driver in Chief, and he is about as useful.

Obama said that everyday people who felt left behind by government and a changing world could find authoritarians alluring. He said people who felt at a loss with the democratic process could “try anything,” but that liberal values would win out over time.

“I am convinced that the future does not belong to strongmen,” Obama said.

He can take a look in the mirror on that one.

Obama’s sudden, newfound claim to be a champion of liberty rings hollow, given that he spent most of his presidency issuing executive orders instead of working democratically with Congress to enact actual laws.  read more

15 Comments on Obama is now ‘campaigning’ in Canada

  1. Okay -you guys wanna laugh or cry: went to wiki and here tis’

    Define Authoritarianism as a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

    Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.

    {1} Juan Linz’s influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
    limited political pluralism; that is, such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups; a basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat “easily recognizable societal problems” such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
    minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
    informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.

    Now ain’t that what obamadingaling done for 8 years?

  2. You want my opinion?

    Even if Hillary Clinton won, Barack Obama would have been back-seat governing from the podium.

    He can’t help himself.

    I think deep down, Barry is really miffed that he wasn’t allowed to be President for Life.

  3. I’ll bet this prick and our Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger are giving each other backrubs and talking about the differences between US and Canadian Bathhouses. Please convict this guy of any criminal offense so that he can be barred at the border next time he tries to come in.

  4. There’s not one scintilla of graciousness or class about any of the oblowme family. Plus, it seems everything they touch turns to 🐄 shut.

    Someone, please find a way to indict and convict–tney’d look so good in orange!

  5. Because you know in Canada it’s not like you can get arrested for preaching that homosexuality is wrong or for calling islamists bad people. Nooooo! Canada would never do anything as authoritarian as suppressing free speech.

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