Obama keeps his eye on the ball – IOTW Report

Obama keeps his eye on the ball

Toronto Sun

It’s been clear for months that President Barack Obama is already in retirement mode.

He is closing in on 200 golf games since becoming president.

He regularly skips his briefings.

He’s disengaged from files,making only grudging statements about national crises.

Then a U.S. citizen, James Foley, was beheaded by the terrorist group called the Islamic State, or ISIS.

It was a shocking message of defiance and violence directed at the United States, a direct political and military challenge.

But Obama didn’t interrupt his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. He didn’t go back to the White House situation room to meet with his generals or the CIA.

He went to a local elementary school, dressed casually— no tie — and made some perfunctory remarks about the murder. And then he immediately changed into shorts and went straight back to the golf course. He didn’t even wear a tie to talk about Foley’s murder, because he was already halfway to golf in his mind.



7 Comments on Obama keeps his eye on the ball

  1. I’m beginning to think that ‘they’ want us all clucking about how disengaged Obama is to keep us off of what is really happening.

    We all agree that Obama is an empty suit, so let’s find out what it is they don’t want us to focus on.

    Here are a few: EPA legislating, land grabs, fake unaccompanied illegal children, the hearings on IRS and Benghazi, etc. Someone must have gotten pretty close that scared them. Or maybe it’s all of them put together.

    I just smell a rat.

  2. There was a recent MSM article circulating on how Obama spends his time. He is up late, long after everyone goes to bed and continues to work on extremely important president things that no one can understand. Then he wakes up at the crack of dawn, before anyone else wakes up, locks himself in a room for an hour and that’s his time to think about presidential things that are extremely important that no one can understand.

    Well, that was the gist of the article, you see he’s doing his job when we are sleeping and simply can’t comprehend his high level of work. You should really give him a break about the golf because he was up late the night before and can’t sink a putt, drive a fairway, or chip on.

    Then I puked.

  3. We need to hold the MSM completely and utterly responsible for this sack of shit president. They have been the absentee landlord when comes to policing this grotesquely incompetent gay muslim marxist. Do me a favor, if there is a revolution, shoot the MSM in the head first!!

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