Obama knew about Hillary’s Plot – John Solomon on the Seb Gorka Show – IOTW Report

Obama knew about Hillary’s Plot – John Solomon on the Seb Gorka Show

Sebastian Gorka is joined by John Solomon from Just the News to discuss James Comey’s testimony & how Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the Russia Hoax.

7 Comments on Obama knew about Hillary’s Plot – John Solomon on the Seb Gorka Show

  1. Who knows what anyone knew and when the knew it? Hopefully, Attorney General Barr and US Attorney Durham know enough now to let the rest of us know before it’s too late.

  2. Comey’s testimony that he didn’t know anything, about everything. Is a bigger stonewall than Hillary’s famous testimony , “I’m sorry I don’t recall” testimony back in the 1990s.

  3. Obola approved HRC’s secret server PRIOR to her taking over the SecState.
    They were working hand-in-glove.

    She took the “risk.”
    He kept off the “law.”
    And they shared the spoils (the enormous booty from selling America’s secrets).

    Treason is rarely accomplished alone.

    izlamo delenda est …


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