Obama LIED About Iran And Flew Them Pallets Of Cash — What Are They Spending It On? – IOTW Report

Obama LIED About Iran And Flew Them Pallets Of Cash — What Are They Spending It On?


Former President Barack Obama lied about the Iran deal and shipped a terror state billions of dollars in cash. Now that they have it, how is Iran spending our money?

In TheDCNF’s fact check videos, Anders Hagstrom highlights claims from politicians and the media alike, setting the record straight on double standards and mischaracterizations.

18 Comments on Obama LIED About Iran And Flew Them Pallets Of Cash — What Are They Spending It On?

  1. How could that despicable traitor have pulled that off without rampant duplicity from our elected members? He couldn’t have!

    We’re going to need a whole lot of rope.

  2. As important as where they are spending that money is where did Obama get it from and who authorized it?

    As I understand the roles of our branches of government, the Executive doesn’t carry $150,000,000,000.00 in his well creased slacks.

  3. It’s even worse that you think! Considering that we blow our noses with the equivalent of about 1,000 Iranian Rials, a couple billion U.S. dollars goes a long, looooooooooong way over there and you can bet yer ass that Revrum Wright’s feckless, tone-deaf, jug-eared, purple-lipped, incompetent, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Radical, Bomb-Throwing, Communist-Organizing, Marxist, Muzlim Mallard knew damn well it would be used to further Terrorism!

  4. Hey we got Bo Burltal back.
    Only gave Qutar 5 BILLION !!!
    plus 5 Tally-Bannys that went back
    to killing USA soldiers…
    What a deal !

  5. Look to the gang of 8.

    “gang of eight” system, the executive branch of the United States discloses highly sensitive intelligence information to the following positions within the US congress

    United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
    Devin Nunes (R, CA-22), Chair
    Adam Schiff (D, CA-28), Ranking member
    United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
    Richard Burr (R, NC), Chair
    Mark Warner (D, VA), Vice Chair
    Leadership in the United States House of Representatives:
    Paul Ryan (R, WI-1), Speaker of the House
    Nancy Pelosi (D, CA-12), Minority leader
    Leadership in the United States Senate:
    Mitch McConnell (R, KY), Majority leader
    Chuck Schumer (D, NY), Minority leader

  6. Missing in all of this is the reported FACT that an international court rule in 2009 that the US DID NOT OWE IRAN the initial plane load of cash Obama sent.

    Obama told us we were returning money owed to Iran that was frozen when the Shah was deposed (and our US embassy taken hostage) in 1979.

    This was a complete lie and even WaPo knew it:

    “Washington Post article published in October 22, 2009, former negotiator at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal John B. Bellinger III reported that the claim, which was paid to Iran with bundled euros in an unmarked airliner on January 17, 2016, had actually been dismissed:

    “In July [2009], the tribunal dismissed, 5 to 4, Iran’s claim for $2.2 billion in compensation for military equipment that had been ordered by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi but that the U.S. government had refused to allow U.S. companies to deliver after the hostage crisis.”


  7. They spent it on the Russia Uranium One purchase that was siphoned off the top so they could develop a nuke in an undisclosed facility in Syria (which Israel destroyed).

    The ultimate goal was to start a war between Russia and the USA; destroy them; and then the UN would take over as the One World Government, ala Agenda 2030 style.

    Fortunately, Trump’s election fucked it all up with the help of Admiral Rodgers of the NSA, Seth Rich and Julian Assange.

    ….and it ain’t over yet. Actually, the faithful believe impending justice is just about to go nuclear (pun intended).

  8. @organgrinder “We’re going to need a whole lot of rope.”

    Fuck the rope, start shooting these bastards. scoop them up and make hog feed out of them; call it “Traitor Tots”

  9. Anybody else suspect that the [laundered] cash was divvied out/shipped to numbered bank accts of several primary parties to said “agreement”, i.e. OBummer, half-Iranian Valerie Jarrett, Kerry, the Hildabeast, etal? Why was Kerry so feverishly trying to savage the “agreement” after the Trump annoucement? When in doubt – “cui bono” (who benefits)/follow the money.

  10. spending it on poultry, beef, lamb, fish or goat kabobs for everybody…

    you get a poultry, beef, lamb, or fish kabob, and you get a poultry, beef, lamb, or fish kabob, and you get a goat kabob, everybody gets a poultry, beef, lamb, fish or goat kabob!
    but you, all you mullahs get a bullet kabob


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