Obama lifts Vietnam arms embargo, human rights groups lament lost leverage – IOTW Report

Obama lifts Vietnam arms embargo, human rights groups lament lost leverage

WT: Human rights groups and U.S. lawmakers criticized President Obama on Monday for lifting the 50-year-old ban on arms sales to Vietnam, saying he gave up an important bargaining chip for pressuring communist Hanoi to improve its human rights record.

“In one fell swoop, President Obama has jettisoned what remained of U.S. leverage to improve human rights in Vietnam — and basically gotten nothing for it,” said Phil Robertson, Asia director of Human Rights Watch, who noted that Vietnamese authorities arrested a journalist, human rights activists and bloggers even as Mr. Obama lifted the arms embargo.

Watchdog groups said even during Mr. Obama’s visit, Hanoi has imprisoned at least six activists and has harassed many more Vietnamese trying to engage in free speech, blocking social media sites.  more

12 Comments on Obama lifts Vietnam arms embargo, human rights groups lament lost leverage

  1. obama looked simply wonderful under the large Statue of Ho Chi Mihn.
    john kerry and jane fonda are obviously jealous and butthurt.

    obama supports, funds and arms muslim jihadists and communists at the same time alienating our allies.

    The enemies of freedom and liberty have never had it so good.

  2. Was it worth all the blood and sacrifice of all the Vietnam vets including myself to see what our worthless POS of a Presidunce does by going to Vietnam 40 + years after that war has been over and pissing on all those served in Vietnam. Sometimes I just don’t know anymore except it was right for us to be there if we’d been allowed to defeat the enemy being the N. Vietnamese communists as we should have. And now the same bastards and cowards who lost Vietnam are in the process of losing the war on terrorism. I despise barry and the democraps and the gutless GOPEE weenies who just don’t get it. You win by defeating the enemy not by giving in and capitulating to them.

  3. Why is it ok for those commie orientals to be armed but America can’t?…..give Iran nukes and the commies arms. As usual, the libs think they know what’s good for us.

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