Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief – IOTW Report

Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

DailyCaller: President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.

The general, who spent 33 years in the intelligence field, told The Daily Caller News Foundation he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political  meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles.  MORE

17 Comments on Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

  1. obama is a repulsive, traitorous piece of shit. He still has till January to fuck with us,. Is there anyone currently in the republican leadership that will take a stand?…………….I didn’t think so.

  2. Flynn either doesn’t golf or he is good enough to beat obama’s ass.
    I guess it could be that Flynn has never golfed and is still a better golfer than the ball washer in chief.

  3. The Constitution is too powerful to be brought down by one person or many like him.

    Obama doesn’t like to be in the presence of strong men unless they’re named Michelle.

  4. I honestly wonder if this country gets attacked by Russia or China, I fear Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, jug-eared, dog-eating, Gay-obsessed, Deserter-honoring, Constitution-stomping, lying cocksucker will either do nothing, or order the military to stand down!

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