Obama noticeably absent from Antonin Scalia’s funeral – IOTW Report

Obama noticeably absent from Antonin Scalia’s funeral

NYP: President Obama drew sharp criticism Sunday for failing to attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

scalia funeral DC

“The president’s absence at Justice Scalia’s funeral is a slight to the Italian-American community,” fumed Neil Mattera, president of the New York-based Columbus Alliance.

Bronx-born actor Chazz Palminteri agreed.

“Historic firsts are important,” he fumed. “Justice Scalia was the first Italian-American on the Supreme Court. It would have been nice if the President of the United States would have recognized its importance to the community.”  more

27 Comments on Obama noticeably absent from Antonin Scalia’s funeral

  1. obama is noticeably absent in so many areas and important issues I can’t name them all.
    I’ll give him his due, he is so transparent you can see right through his Marxist, America hating heart.

  2. Why would a gay muslim attend a Catholic funeral in a Christian church for someone who understood there is no constitutional right for gay marriage?

    Remember the rainbow White House?

  3. On his first day in office, President Obama signed executive orders and memoranda to make government more open and accountable to the American people.

    President and Vice President calendar for February 21, 2016:

    No public schedule available at this time.

    Commonly referred to the millennials, a “blow off day.”

  4. I think it stems from the notion that, when a Moslem enters a church, all religious symbolism must be hidden from view under covers.

    That would have meant practically covering the entire Basilica.

  5. Does anybody know who it was who read the first reading? Clarence Thomas read the second reading.

    This Catholic funeral was about the Mass, the promise of eternal life given to us by Jesus and the prayer for the soul of Scalia. The broadcast I saw didn’t show people in the crowd with a titles placed below.
    I watched it on and off but didn’t see Biden. I did see Cheney in one of the views. Since he couldn’t get guaranteed airtime I am guessing Ogolfo bailed.

    I for one is glad he wasn’t there, it would have been more press for Ozika and less for the deceased. The less I see of The Lord of the Flies the better.

  6. Obama doesn’t belong there – I’m glad he didn’t attend. Obama doesn’t know anything about the constitution, liberty, or capitalism. Scalia was a strong supporter of all three. Stay away ass-wipe, no one needs you to make it a presidential photo op.

  7. If you caught the video of Obama and Michelle walking past Scalia’s coffin, you saw Michell last about 20 seconds before she started rolling her eyes and glancing around.

    They stood there for a whole 45 seconds and moved on.

    Next to the word classless in the dictionary is a picture of these assholes.

    I’m Italian and it’s certainly no insult to me he made himself scarce. I’ll probably be long dead when Obama passes but I hope I can check out the attendees at his funeral.

  8. Fear of holy water melting him and his hag wife.

    He’s at the point in his reign where his contempt for America is becoming more and more blatant.
    When Obozo dies from lung cancer he can join his idol Muhammed in an eternal Hell.

  9. You know, it’s not that far fetched that Scalia himself might have indicated in his will that Ofucker not be within 5 miles of his corpse. I’d thoroughly understand that.

  10. Soooooo … the wops wanted a prancing faggot at the funeral?


    Surely they could have hired one, if they needed one that badly …

    RuPaul refuse to dress up like a Drum Majorette?

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