Obama Official Issues Ammunition Ban for Federal Lands on Last Day in Office – IOTW Report

Obama Official Issues Ammunition Ban for Federal Lands on Last Day in Office

WFB: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe, an Obama appointee, ordered a new ammunition ban for certain federal lands on Thursday–his last full day in office.

The ban, which took effect immediately, eliminates the use of lead-based ammunition on federal lands like national parks and wildlife refuges, as well as any other land administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service. The ban is expected to have a major impact on much of the hunting that takes place on federal lands across the United States as lead-based ammunition is widely legal and used throughout the country.

Ashe said the order was necessary to protect wildlife from exposure to lead.  more

29 Comments on Obama Official Issues Ammunition Ban for Federal Lands on Last Day in Office

  1. Steel shot on migratory bird flyways has been in effect for a long damn time. Lead bullets are encapsulated with a copper alloy to not foul the barrels of high velocity rifles. for all intents and purposes, lead added to the environment has already been addressed ad nauseum.
    It’s called ‘Civil Disobedience’. You should try it.

  2. California banned lead shot while hunting waterfowl a long time ago. It seems some rocket surgeon determined Condors egg shells we getting thin due to lead shot. Well guess what? The California Condors egg shells are still thin and I’m still shooting ducks with steel shot that patterns like crap. And is more expensive.

  3. Mr Ashe. I didn’t vote for you. I don’t know who you are nor do I care to.
    Kindly take your regulation, fold it for
    Maximum comfort and satisfaction, lubricate it

    You know what comes next. I don’t have to spell it out for you, do I?

  4. “Ashe said the order was necessary to protect wildlife from exposure to lead.”

    Ashe, you fucktard, you’ve been in office since June 2011. If this lead issue is so important, you really missed your mark, dumbass, to wait until today to enact this faux regulation.

    As the TPB say,


  5. Will this ban on lead ammo also be observed by the Marijuana Growers, Illegal Aliens and Gang Bangers? Inquiring minds want to know if this ban was ever discussed with congress.

  6. @Bad_Brad, they tried attributing it to the carrion that the condors were eating that had been shot. However, that theory was ‘shot’ to hell. It was discovered that their range has naturally occurring lead in the soil that they cannot avoid. But do you think that study was picked up and publicized? Nope, back page. Much in thanks to ASPCA who also wanted/wants to ban all lead fishing weights.

  7. However it is important to note that there are those that no matter the boundary that they are within, coupled with and/or dependent upon their actions, may still succumb to lead poisoning regardless of a piece of paper.

  8. On waterfowl. I’m all for steel, bismuth or whatever they’re calling it these days. Water is different than soil concerning lead, though soil leaches into water.

    Also, unleaded loads in a blind have made for more memorable moments.

    Seriously? How the fcuk could you miss that goose? It was like a 747 buzzing the blind!

  9. Brad, I’m one to think; If it’s here and I’m made of it, it should be okay.

    But as a fisherman and migratory bird hunter, I’m by extension a conservationist. I’ve learned to adapt in these situations and even had more fun doing so.

    By no means am I lead ban boy. I buy it every time I see a deal!

  10. Old Oak, I get it, I really do. And I agree if I thought there was any valid science. On the flip side of the coin how many ducks on a windy day did you sail due to shit ammo? What’s that worth?

  11. they claim the waterfowl ingest the shot that is lying on the ground when they graze in fields and it gets ground up in their craw, which is an organ just above the stomach of birds.

  12. Lead OXIDE was used in old style paint, the oxide is the culprit, not free lead. Lead oxide is sweet, kids eat the chips because ghetto dwellers won’t buy any paint to overcoat.
    The whole lead scare is based on PbO, not Pb.
    EPA scare tactics, not based on biology.
    Like Jethro correctly points out, free lead passes through largely unabsorbed.
    So much of the obfuscation relies on an ignorant public, a public made ignorant by the usual suspects.

  13. I wish Trump would sign one executive order to overrule them all. One order that simply states: “All of O’stupids executive orders for the last eight years are null and void, they are not to be enforced, all federal agencies will immediately rescind, retract, and destroy any and all rules, regulations, actions, and litigation based on any executive order signed by O’stupid.

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