Obama Pats Himself On The Back: ‘Every Country On Earth Sees America As Stronger’ Than Before I Took Office [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Obama Pats Himself On The Back: ‘Every Country On Earth Sees America As Stronger’ Than Before I Took Office [VIDEO]


Oh.. He’s serious?


President Barack Obama gave himself a big pat on the back during his Friday press conference, the last press event he will hold in 2016.

Obama opened the press conference by touting his economic and policy achievements before heaping praise on his own shoulders.

“Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago.”

“In other words, by so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than when we started,” he continued. “It is a situation that I am proud to leave for my successor, and it’s thanks to the American people.”
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24 Comments on Obama Pats Himself On The Back: ‘Every Country On Earth Sees America As Stronger’ Than Before I Took Office [VIDEO]

  1. Only a few more days, folks, and he will be remembered as the Pet Rock of Presidents — weirdly interesting but not something you’d buy at a garage sale; a stupid trend with no practical purpose and a pure waste of money. A costly decision but not permanent.

  2. It’s ALWAYS thanks to the American people, you idiotic asshole, and it’s no thanks to you, the un-Presidential Preezy, who truly built nothing but resentment from all corners.

  3. When I heard that, I said to myself, just who sitting in that audience, taking notes, can believe that shit? Then some reporter fainted. Was it an act? Who the fuck knows, but it has happened before at Barry speeches.
    Anyway I shut the TV off, got dressed, and had to go out in the freezing cold afternoon to get milk, bread, eggs, bacon, vodka, cigarettes, and gas.
    Now I’m safely back in my cave listening to Donald Trump thanking the people of Florida and the military. He’s in front of beautifully decorated Christmas trees. On the podium it says “Merry Christmas U.S.A.” ‘nough said, we’re comin’ back!!

  4. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”
    “Benghazi was caused by a video”
    “… a red line in Syria”
    “doubling the debt might be criminal, it’s downright unpatriotic”
    “the police acted stupidly”
    “Russia hacked the election”

    …. oh yeah …. I believe him …………

  5. Thank God I survived the disgust, embarrassment, stench,, shameless , arrogant, lying, pandering, treasonous son of a bitch and will get to see him leave the Whitehouse.
    Thank you Lord for hearing our faithful prayers.

  6. He told Putin to cut the hacking shit out or there will be consequences. And Putin said, Yes Mr. President and cowered away with his tail between his legs.
    AHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA, are you fucking shitting me?
    Tomorrows New York Times Headline. “Obama chastises Putin face to face. Mano a Mano. Putin cowers.”
    AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOO I’m goin’ to bust a rib, Fuggetaboutit!

  7. The only good thing about this presser was it was labeled his Last Christmas press conference.

    Discovering you’ve been told a clever lie makes you angry.
    Being told a lie that is clearly obvious not the truth makes you even angrier because it’s more insulting – loudly shouting he thinks we’re fools.

    Then the news reports he has a 53% approval rating just leaves you wondering WTH & at a loss for a sensible explanation.

  8. I hope to fuck that commie asshole lives in fear the rest of his miserable commie life. Every time he Tee’s up a golf ball I hope he feels like he has to look over his shoulders in fear of someone taking his miserable ass out!

  9. The exclamation point to this insulting BS Presser was delivered by Moosehell when she stated America is now entering a time of Hopelessness.

    http://nytlive.nytimes.com/womenintheworld/2016/12/16/michelle-obama-says-america-is-entering-a-time-of-hopelessness/ .

    The truth is the state of Hope is very much the opposite. The period of hopelessness is ending.
    With Trump we are entering a period of Hope. That there is a chance America well recover & thrive.
    If Trump can deliver and doesn’t blow the opportunity to MAGA.

  10. Don’t get me wrong guys, I’m no admirer of Vladimir Putin. But our guy is a pathetic liar. Let’s se what happens next year.
    Blink I just had a baseball hat made with MAGA embroidered on it.

  11. @MoeTom, I hate to think of this pathetic ASSHOLE as our guy. I think it’s more likely he is Lucifer’s guy. He must have a dislocated shoulder from patting his sorry ass on the back.

    @Doc I too want him to feel as if crosshairs are on his back 24/7.

  12. Madjack. You’re right, he’s their guy, whoever the hell they are. He’s still got a 51 percent approval rating according to the MSM. HTF? I don’t know.
    I read an interesting article in Media Research Center’s Cyberalert the other day. The gist of it is, how the Liberal Media reported on Obama’s appointments in 2008 and onward:
    “Hard-headed realists.”
    “Moderates and geniuses.”
    “Super stars with so much brain power.”
    “A diverse Mosaic”
    “I get a tingle up my leg when I see the crease in his pants.”
    “He’s like a God.”
    Now the same crowd of freaks on Trump’s appointments:
    “Racially insensitive,”
    “Billionaires and a few Generals.”
    “Group of hawks.”
    “Team of radicals.”
    “Too white.”
    “Do not reflect America.”

    All I can say is, President Trump has a rough row to hoe. Pray for him. I will.

  13. @Blink, “polls show him at 53%”, remember what polls showed about Hillary?
    I for one don’t believe a damn thing coming from this administration and his MSM lackeys anymore.

  14. Just as bad are the “press” sitting there gobbling this bullshit up like a dog eats his vomit. I hope Trump shit cans every last one of them from ever entering the WH on his watch.

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