Obama: People who ‘like being important’ shouldn’t get into politics – IOTW Report

Obama: People who ‘like being important’ shouldn’t get into politics

WaExaminer: President Obama warned a group of fellows from the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative on Monday that people who simply want to be famous or want to be “important” shouldn’t get into politics, and that politicians should instead focus on helping people.

“[W]hen I look at other political careers that I admire, I think the most important thing is to have a sense of principle and why you’re in public service,” Obama recommended. “I think sometimes people want to be in public service just because they like seeing their name up in lights; they like being important.”

“And that’s a bad reason to go into politics; you should be like an actress or a singer, or make a lot of money” if fame is the goal, he added.  more

9 Comments on Obama: People who ‘like being important’ shouldn’t get into politics

  1. Evan Thomas Newsweek: Do you still think he’s “Like a God.”?

    Chris Mathews MSNBC ? Do you still get a thrill up your leg when you see him?

    And so many, many more.

    Well. at least Bob Scheifer is gone on to join the other leftist assholes like Cronkite, Rather , and Williams. But Hark, I hear Williams might be back. If so, let’s give him a big Bronx cheer.

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