Obama prepares to hit campaign trail, but some Democrats want him to back off – IOTW Report

Obama prepares to hit campaign trail, but some Democrats want him to back off

DC: Former President Barack Obama is preparing to stump for various Democrats as midterm elections near while some members of the party running for reelection are telling him to keep his distance.

Democratic Sens. Jon Tester of Montana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota worry a surrogate like Obama could distract from focusing on their Republican opponents. Obama himself is keeping a wide berth from endorsing national campaigns in states President Donald Trump won in 2016.

“We’re not going to use any surrogates. Surrogates are fine but we don’t need them,” Tester told The Hill on Saturday.

Heitkamp was even more curt, saying “nope, no” to questions about the possibility of Obama visiting North Dakota. “He threatened to campaign against me once so I don’t think he’s coming out there,” she said.

Obama endorsed Richard Cordray’s campaign for governor in Ohio, for instance, but he has not yet endorsed Sen. Sherrod Brown’s reelection campaign. Brown frequently paints himself as a Trump opponent but a senator who will nonetheless work with the president on certain issues.

The senator’s Republican opponent, Rep. Jim Renacci, meanwhile is trying to depict Brown as a bitter political partisan obstructionist who is out of step for a state that supported Trump in the 2016 election.

Obama gave Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey similar treatment. The former president announced his support for two Keystone State House candidates, Madeleine Dean and Susan Wild, but left Casey off his list.


14 Comments on Obama prepares to hit campaign trail, but some Democrats want him to back off

  1. That’s fine with Barky. He’s a lazy bastard who only likes to campaign for himself. And maybe a sick old hag who was supposed to keep his plates spinning.

    Just relax and watch the ballgame, Barky. You don’t even have to phone it in. Your endorsement distribution team and your auto-pen have got your back.

  2. A huge majority of dem pols have so blinded themselves by their desperate and violent ideological and emotional rejection of Trump and all things conservative that I’m surprise that there are any left who see barky as anything less than a godlike campaign asset.

  3. VDH talks a lot about how oblowme destroyed the D party by making it solely an identity politics organization devoted to and primarily serving “the black community.” He made their secondary platform the Occupy movement. That’s all it became. A party of grievance mongers who brought us BLM, Occupy, strange masks and hats — and everyone in it looks either crazy, the dregs of society, or both. How any of that has helped the black community is why blacks are waking up to the Trump alternative.

    I hope oblowme stumps for all the D’s, though I don’t know how effective he can be when he has zero ability to use anything but the first person pronouns.


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