Obama pushes Obamacare deadline – IOTW Report

Obama pushes Obamacare deadline

This year, the Obamacare uninsured penalty will jump to $695 in an effort to pressure people without coverage to sign up for healthcare.


WaExaminer: President Obama encouraged people to enroll in the health insurance marketplace through the Affordable Care Act in his weekly address Saturday, eight days ahead of the deadline for enrollment.

“As the Affordable Care Act has taken effect, nearly 18 million Americans have gained coverage,” Obama said, touting the success of his signature healthcare legislation. “In fact, for the first time ever, more than 90 percent of Americans are covered. “Up to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage or be charged more just because they’ve been sick.”  more

21 Comments on Obama pushes Obamacare deadline

  1. Oh Please. $695 is less than one month’s premium for an ObamaNoCare policy. The penalty would have to be > 12 x that amount + deductible of $5k/each family member before I would sign on for a crappy policy that would do nothing for my family until I had paid the deductible.

    With an ObamaNoCare policy what would my state of being be? – I’d be living in poverty, with a crappy insurance policy that wouldn’t do a darn thing for me for day to day healthcare cost. And if someone in the family had some serious healthcare need, the death board would decide I’m a military vet, family members probably also believe the US Constitution is the law of the land, and we are all Bitter Clinkers, hanging on to our Religion and Guns. And we are undeserving of having our healthcare cost approved to be paid. I hope to starve ObamaNoCare to death by not contributing. Going John Galt on them.

  2. Have no fear all you Trump supporters, he plans to replace this mess with an even bigger and more costly mess known Universal Healthcare. Yep, even though there is no mention of this in his stump speeches or Positions on his website, he plans to repeal Obamacare in order to clean it up by having government completely takeover.

    I just can’t wait to see the joy that will arise once his glorious vision for our country is realized. But hay, Trump implementing government run healthcare, which Obama failed to quite achieve, will be “unprecedented”, even “historic”.


  3. I will go to jail first or the morgue. I have absolutely no insurance.I am 61 now
    and have had a great life due to what this country once was.I had the proverbial
    ‘Leave-it-to-Beaver’ life growing up.I live everyday by the grace of the good Lord.
    I will receive all the health care that 3 clean credit cards will buy and no more.

  4. Wow how heartening to read these comments-last year when I said I would not provide any medical info on my 1040 nor pay a penalty, it seems I was kinda alone.

    Reading in between the lies the government assails us with daily, I see that there were in fact millions of people that did that exact same thing.

  5. Dear President Shit-for-brains,
    I will pay the fine.
    Paying for tyranny is a bit rich for my blood.
    You and your communist friends can shower in my regard for you as I piss on you all from a considerable height.

  6. There is no penalty for not paying it. Ask your tax accountant if you don’t believe me.
    If it is assessed against you, all they can do is take it out of any money that you loaned the government at zero % interest and expected to get back.

  7. Go jump in a fire Woody.

    It can only get worse with Obamacare because it hasn’t been fully implemented because it would cost a lot of pols their jobs.

    Trump isn’t for nationalized health care. Trump has stated numerous times he prefers private health care, with insurance that can be sold across state lines to increase the pool sizes and spread the risk.

    He even suggested a subsidized pool, for high risk or existing conditions. For the record, we already have this. It’s called Medicaid, which BHO set up for insolvency state by state.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from an old friend who voted for BHO in the beginning. He’s the kind of guy who never buys insurance, and looks forward to his income tax refund because he doesn’t know how to save money.

  8. John,
    I agree. And to add insult to O’Care IRS misery, just change your personal withholdings so that YOU owe THEM. No IRS penalty to be assessed or paid, even if you never buy another health insurance. OH, and of course, be sure to set aside and save the difference in your withholdings.

  9. Do4 : I may or may not have to pay the punishment. It depends. Some say greedy gov can only collect payment by taking it from my tax refund. I don’t get one now. Others say that’s not true and I will have to pay. Probably more than $695, I believe it’s $695 or 2% of income, which ever is higher.

    But suppose I am forced to pay it. I’m still starving the beast because I’m only paying $695. Not 12 x that amount if I were making monthly premium payment .

    Additionally $695/month would only be about my monthly payment. That wouldn’t cover the full premium cost. The monthly balance would be paid by a subsidy picking up the balance. Subsidy is a meek sounding word that means money taken from other people to buy insurance for me. My conscious is clear about this. No one is being forced to pay for my insurance.

    If I had an ObamaNoCare policy, and I refused a subsidy my monthly premium would be $1400 – $1750 / month. However, I don’t think they allow you to refuse the subsidy. They want to force it on you to dull your sense of what is moral. They want everyone to think the way they do – that’s it’s OK to accept money taken by force from another. It’s OK to demand other people’s money to pay for your stuff.

    Let’s look at the starvation issue this way.

    The average daily calorie requirement for men is 2,640 calories. Even if I’m forced to pay $695 that’s equivalent to feeding the beast only 220 calories / day. And that is starvation of the beast at a level that is all I can do as an individual.

    The Beast is still being starved when the calories provided are less than daily requirement to live. Zero calories / day isn’t required to be starvation. However – The Beast would die much faster if everyone could withhold feeding it calories, er money.

  10. Thanks mortgagesforthemasses, it does feel a little cold in here anytime anyone speaks ill of “The Donald”.

    As for what Trump is for or against when it comes to the Healthcare sector, I guess it depends on the day of the week and who he is speaking to at the time.

    Just for poops and grins I researched even further than when I posted the earlier link and found some very interesting things, but nothing that even comes close to what you CLAIM Trump is promising. In fact in every case he plans to preserve the current government subsidies of Medicare and Medicaid and even expand them just like Obamacare. He claims he will pay for it by slashing the administrative costs.

    But what is truly interesting is that in some quotes he seems to support the individual components of a free market system like HSAs and insurance across State lines, but only as a second layer for those who can afford them.

    In most of his quotes it seems he is still in the position he took in 2000 when he wrote his book “The America We Deserve” where specifically touts Universal Healthcare.

    So you can assign to Trump your vision of what he means, but you are merely painting him with your own hopes and dreams and NOT what the man has actually said or supports.

  11. I see your logic and understand it. Less-is-more fits.

    Truthfully, it’s one of the options they give you that they are totally fine with you choosing.

    Still playing along though. Still funding your oppressors, too.

    So when/if that day comes that the penalty surpasses the premiums and deductibles – what then?

  12. Hey Obama you stinky failure 90% coverage with mandatory participation is not the 100% you bragged about getting. But hopefully one day it will be 100% enrollment. Question is: will
    it still count as a success when no one enrolled receives any medical care!

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