Obama Referred To Himself 76 Times During Gun Speech – IOTW Report

Obama Referred To Himself 76 Times During Gun Speech

It’s all about Obama all the time. So it’s no surprise that President Obama referred to himself 76 times in his 33 minute speech on gun control. 

obama EO

Grabien put together a montage so you can count for yourself if you want.

—Watch the video at Lonely Conservative.

17 Comments on Obama Referred To Himself 76 Times During Gun Speech

  1. The GOP led Congress could stop the madness of obama’s gun control ……. just like they did with illegal immigration, planned parenthood and run away spending…………..oops.
    The paul ryan and mitch mcconnel GOPe supports all of obama’s policies, actions and at the same time attack fellow GOP Conservatives.

    Congress has abdicated their responsibilities, betrayed the GOP and the Nation……again.

  2. Tonight is all about me, me, me, me, me
    Forget about you, you, you, you, you
    So what you gonna do, do, do, do, do?
    Are you gonna get it up, get it up?
    Me, me, me, me, me
    Forget about you, you, you, you, you
    So what you gonna do, do, do, do, do?
    Are you gonna get it up, get it up?
    Up jumps my butt, nigga what? Nigga what?

    (0ne of 0bama’s fav’s, Mýa)

  3. All through the day …
    I, me, mine … I, me, mine … I, me, mine …

    I really am soooo pretty! … and clever! …
    and, well, just about the wonderfullest girl in the world!

    … uhh … guy … guy in the world …

    slip of the tongue … like “my moslem faith” …
    could happen to anyone …

  4. I wanna talk about me
    Wanna talk about I
    Wanna talk about number one
    Oh my me my
    What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see

    I wanna talk about me
    I wanna talk about me

  5. There are six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19.

    This one verse in the Bible sums up Obama perfectly and it comforts me every time see his vile face. Pox be unto him and I won’t shed a tear when his punishment is meted out to him (cause I do believe we are all going to bear witness to it).

  6. I think I would rather be a rectal thermometer tester than have the job of listening to obuma’s speech close enough to count the self references.
    and I am sure barry could give me some pointers about things being in that area.

  7. “Pox be unto him and I won’t shed a tear when his punishment is meted out to him (cause I do believe we are all going to bear witness to it.)”

    I’ve been praying for that for the last several years. From your keyboard to God’s ears.

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