Obama-Rhodes Legacy In Shambles as Cubans March Against Communism – IOTW Report

Obama-Rhodes Legacy In Shambles as Cubans March Against Communism

WFB: Anti-communist protests in Cuba are threatening to dismantle one of the last vestiges of former president Barack Obama’s diplomatic legacy.

The unrest has come as a shock to journalists and other Democrats who cheered the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize U.S. relations with the communist regime. The controversial initiative, spearheaded by failed novelist Ben Rhodes, culminated in 2016 with Obama’s visit to Havana, where he attended a baseball game with Cuban dictator Raúl Castro.

The New York Times report on the Cuban protests opens with the following oddly worded passage:

Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, thousands of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years.

The COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the island nation, whose universal health care system has been praised effusively in the pages of the New York Times. Acting assistant secretary of state Julie Chung, one of the only Biden administration officials to comment over the weekend, applauded the Cuban people for exercising “their right to peaceful assembly,” a right that Cuban citizens do not actually enjoy under the repressive communist dictatorship. more

10 Comments on Obama-Rhodes Legacy In Shambles as Cubans March Against Communism

  1. Still unbelievable that American citizens actually elected (twice) an African as President of the United States! But proof is in the pudding as this nation is now at the level of all African, and other, third world shit holes!
    Sorry Cuba you are on your own!

  2. No problemo, Obama will just sit back in his 15 million dollar mansion at the Vinyard by the ever-rising climate change sea, among his white neighbors, and blame his racist white half.

    The moose will comfort him by reminding him how disrespected and oppressed she’s been her whole life.

    Melania and the other one will be cowering in their beds constantly worried about the police stopping them for driving while being black.

  3. Looks like us taxpayers will be sending a lot of aid money to cuba s africa and probably haiti, too. Of course none of it will actually go anywhere except the pockets of the clinton foundation and hunter biden’s unmarked bank accounts.

  4. Marco
    JULY 14, 2021 AT 2:56 PM
    “Osmidgen and Rhodes are counting on the Cuban Communists to not let them down.”

    No worries, Joe Pedo stands ready to send the poor, beleaguered Cuban Government some F-15s and nukes if need be, he’s kind of wanting a test run for something he’s thinking about trying domestically but he’d be happy to try the new material out on the road first…

  5. @Saxindacity
    Shame on you for making such a horrible mistake.
    The bastard children of the fag and his transvestite beard are malia and sasha.
    Melania Trump is miles above that gutter trash.

  6. The NYT got one thing right:

    Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, thousands of Cubans took to the streets…

    Perhaps the “newspaper of record” is trying, and no doubt failing, to understand the zeitgeist of 1775 Boston.


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