Obama rushes to fill dozens of federal jobs before leaving office – IOTW Report

Obama rushes to fill dozens of federal jobs before leaving office

NYP: President Obama rushed to fill nearly 100 federal government vacancies during a frenzy of appointments in his final few weeks in office.

Since the new year, Obama has named 72 people to federal job openings and nominated another 17 for positions requiring Senate confirmation, according to CBS reporter Mark Knoller.

On Monday night, Obama announced appointments for 27 officials to government positions and named two to jobs requiring Senate confirmation.

The wave of announcements includes several White House officials, who will serve well after Obama leaves office.  more

21 Comments on Obama rushes to fill dozens of federal jobs before leaving office

  1. The Senate should refuse to confirm any Obama nominees at this late date. Obama could be laying landmines during his withdrawal from DC. All the other appointmentee’s need to be reviewed closely.

  2. But wait! There S more.
    It’s not just the quantity, it’s who he’s putting on the payroll, and there useless cushy functions these incompetents will receive. These were the most destructive people in the Obama Administration:
    (From the Washington Examiner) “Among them were Valerie Jarrett, his White House senior adviser, and Susan Rice, the national security adviser, who will both become general trustees to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and chief salesman of the Iran nuclear agreement, was appointed as a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
    “I am proud that such experienced and committed individuals have agreed to serve the American people in these important roles,” Obama said in a statement. “I know they will serve the American people well.””

  3. If he likes, President Trump can abolish the jobs, simple as that.
    If it smells like political patronage, looks like PP, talks like PP, acts like PP, get rid of the pariah parasites.

  4. @ Joe – Obama appointing ANYONE from his administration, The Most Anti-Semitic Administration Ever, to the Holocaust Memorial would be like appointing someone from the NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party. This is a slap in the face to Jews everywhere.

  5. Last minute sabotage from The Chief Saboteur.

    It will all be undone with a stroke of Trump’s pen.

    These “appointees” need not bother to even get dressed because,

    “You’re fired.”


  6. If any of these “jobs” are ones protected by some kind of union or other labor law – ya know, once in they’re difficult to get them out.

    It be Obama’s purpose is to have them continue his BS, or cause hell & chaos if Trump attempts to fire them. If massive trouble would result from firing them options would be change their job description & keep them out of the building, where hopefully they quit, or can them ASAP but be prepared for the legal battle & chaos & protest directed by Obama. That’s what community organizers do. The Obama’s staying in DC until their daughter finishes h.s. Is BS. He wants to stay where he can cause the most trouble with least effort.

  7. If Trump is powerless to ‘fire’ these worms appointed by The Worm, then I suggest he 86 the entire department involved.
    Kennedy Center, PBS, EPA? Eliminate them all !
    Can anyone argue we don’t have enough gubermint?
    The National Debt is excuse enough. That it is a constant hardship on legitimate citizens is the real reason.

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