Obama Says Politicians Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’ – IOTW Report

Obama Says Politicians Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’

DCNF: Former President Barack Obama lamented the state of political rhetoric in the U.S. at a rally in Wisconsin on Friday, saying politicians are “just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying.”

Obama traveled to Wisconsin to campaign for Democratic candidates including Sen. Tammy Baldwin, gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers and others. Obama accused Republicans of lying about healthcare, namely that GOP politicians would protect coverage of pre-existing conditions.

“Listen throughout human history, certainly throughout American history, politicians have exaggerated. They make promises that they may try to fulfill, but then it turns out to be harder than they expected,” Obama told the crowd assembled in Milwaukee. “They pump up the things that they did that are good.”

“They downplay the things that they did that aren’t so good. They try to put a positive spin on things,” Obama continued. “But what we have not seen before, in our recent public life, at least, is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying.”

Obama spun news, evaded questions, contradicted himself and made false statements a number of times while he was in office.

In 2011, Obama claimed he “signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history,” referring to the Making Work Pay provision in his stimulus package.  keep reading.

23 Comments on Obama Says Politicians Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’

  1. The jug eared swine is the pied piper for the deranged. Gathering these psychologically fragile urchins together and pumping their minds full of disinformation and when sufficiently stirred sending them forth to cause havoc on the general public.
    Like lion taming, this carries a high risk of the disturbed simpletons turning on the programmer.
    It would be an gratifying experience to see Obama torn to shreds by these crazed warped zombies.

  2. Obama Says Politicians Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’

    I recall some politician commenting on 0bamacare that: if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.

    Lying Liar!

  3. Politicians have been lying since – what? – Cyrus the Great?
    Gilgamesh? Maybe before that?

    Obola’s lying in making that statement.
    I guess they can’t help themselves – except to other peoples’ money.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Geez, he was only 3 letters away from saying something truthful. He only needed to drop the word “not” from his statement. We haven’t seen a president as bad as him before. That’s for sure.
    Is he still claiming his certificate of birth is in Honolulu County government records too?

  5. this satan’s creature is surely in the pocket of the one world order crowd
    wonder how much he gets paid to spew lies

    looking forward to the day when he disappears off the face of the earth and takes the clintons and all that has participated in the selling out of America

  6. He said that? In Wisconsin? I mean, how does he think…? I mean, who does he think…? You know… since I didn’t hear about “Nobel Prize winner eaten by zombie horde” on CNN, I think I understand, I might, just might, even agree with, Hillary. About that “campaign stop”. You can’t fix undead. And they, still, vote.

  7. What a charmed life this little pansy has lived !!
    It has not cost him anything to be a lying, thieving, drug-addled, blaspheming fraud throughout his existence.

    Well there is being married to Mooch Robinson, and all that time spent on his knees at Man Country. But apparently he’s ok will all that. His mirror does not tell him the truth.

    ESAD obama, Hell eagerly awaits thee.

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