DC: Speaking shortly after the Supreme Court’s immigration decision, President Obama made it “very clear” that deporting illegal immigrants is not a priority of his administration.
On Thursday morning, Supreme Court upheld an injunction on Obama’s 2014 Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents policy by a 4-4 split
Boy needs a political bitch slap, STAT!
Wait for it…… The speech in which he says Brexit can be ignored, because that just ‘isn’t who we are!’
Deporting Obama ‘is’ a ‘priority’ of my administration!
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
His very first lie of his presidency.
Trump will do it for you dumbass. It will make him a hero
Do any Kenyans have integrity?
Just curious.
In all fairness to Obama, he did deport Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguard from Gitmo.
That phony a$$ needs to take his priorities and stuff them where the sun doesn’t shine. If his records are ever opened, I suspect that we will find that he should have been deported for overstaying his welcome.
Meanwhile there’s a bunch of retards having a sit-in because we won’t have a vote to keep the guns out of lawbreaking illegals hands who don’t follow and won’t follow anything any of the retards sitting on the floor want to vote on. I mean for frig sake, let the law breakers do what they want and you shouldn’t be allowed to protect yourself or property. This administration is so twisted and anti-American; Trump can’t get elected fast enough.
It is inexcusable if the Republicrats in the House don’t impeach this POS.
So he’s just admitted that he will not uphold the law.
I hate to say I told you so…
Seriously, did you think he’d suddenly discover the Executive Branch’s role in our government is to faithfully execute our laws?????
Why should the Treasonous cocksucker give a flying fuck?
“I have met the Enemy, and they are Worms.”
Spake A. Hitler after Munich.
Why shouldn’t Obola share much the same sentiment?
Both Congress and the Supreme Court are cans of Worms.
(and what are We, for allowing it?)
izlamo delenda est …
I’m a retard and that was a racist remark!
To my downtrodden and woeful subjects: The SCOTUS ruling on immigration is invalid however their ruling on affirmative action is right on!
obama makes his own rules up as he goes along and ryan & mcCONnell are go along to get along rinos.
Fuckst thou, thou jug-eared, miserable, useless, lying, faggot, SACK OF SHIT!
Imagine his behavior during a period of Martial Law.
“I don’t need ne stinkin’ Constitution.”
@IOpian June 24, 2016 at 9:09 am
What part of “to the best of my ability” don’t you understand?
Would somebody page paul ryan? He said he would control a n out-of-control exec.
he came not to lead, but to rule
perspective, exactly
let’s hold him to the quote
“i would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers”
Why can’t he just go to CA, play golf and wait for the “Big One”
to hit. Hopefully, there would be a course close to the fault line.
“Mr. Obama, you’re under arrest for sedition.”
…..now, that’s a future I could believe-in.