Obama Supporters Rush to Save His ‘Dangerous’ School Leniency Policy for Minority Students – IOTW Report

Obama Supporters Rush to Save His ‘Dangerous’ School Leniency Policy for Minority Students

Breitbart: As U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was meeting behind closed doors with educators and parents to re-evaluate the Obama-era school leniency policy of reducing reports of violent behavior committed by minority students, left-wing media and politicians were touting a new report that noted black students, boys, and students identified as “disabled” are disciplined at higher rates.

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report– requested by Democrats Rep. Bobby Scott (VA) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY) – national civil rights data for academic year 2013-2014 show “black students, boys, and students with disabilities were disproportionately disciplined (e.g., suspensions and expulsions) in K-12 public schools.”

“These disparities were widespread and persisted regardless of the type of disciplinary action, level of school poverty, or type of public school attended,” the report stated, citing that “black students accounted for 15.5 percent of all public school students, but represented about 39 percent of students suspended from school – an overrepresentation of about 23 percentage points.”

Politico reports Scott said the GAO report “dispels claims that racially disproportionate rates of discipline are based solely on income.”

“This report underscores the need to combat these gross disparities by strengthening, not rescinding, the 2014 Discipline Guidance Package, which recommends specific strategies to reduce the disparities without jeopardizing school safety,” he added.

The report is not “news,” since no one has disputed that minority students are disciplined at higher rates than whites and Asians. At issue is that Obama supporters attribute those higher rates to racism by teachers and school administrators.

“There are no surprises in the GAO report,” University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, confirms to Breitbart News. “From time immemorial, we’ve known boys get disciplined more often than girls. It’s just that in the past nobody was silly enough to argue that anti-male bias was the primary reason.” read more

12 Comments on Obama Supporters Rush to Save His ‘Dangerous’ School Leniency Policy for Minority Students

  1. The Left will never change.

    If they really cared about students’ lives they would look at data.
    They just want government control. For some emotional reason, and despite being terrified of the police, and certainly with complete disregard for statistical analysis, they think it will make them safer, make their lives better.

  2. If you have a non-black or non-Hispanic child in public school, please be aware that not only do they minimize the disciplinary action for those groups, they will maximize disciplinary action for white and asian kids.

  3. The fault should be the black kids who are running up the numbers. Impress upon them the importance of not getting into trouble in the first place, so the numbers go down.
    Administrators can only do so much to fudge the figures.

  4. Of COURSE it’s not income level, it’s their culture. Rich or poor, that culture is thuggery and ‘keeping it real’. Even if many/most minority kids DON’T want to be thugs, the culture ostracizes any who ‘act white’ (AKA non-thug).

    Typical leftard behavior – don’t change the bad, lower the standards until bad is no longer bad, and always blame their problems on anyone but themselves, especially whitey.

  5. Allowing thugs to misbehave is racist neglect of the education the bastards most need. Covering up for them should create civil & criminal liability. The useless schools abdicate their most important function & the useless media refuses to warn others about the racial makeup of most criminals.

    As someone who spent a lot of time in reform school as a teen, I am deeply appreciative of the value of teaching youngsters not to act like aholes. The abdication of responsibility by our info sources is cowardly and self-serving partisanship – it keeps the prisons full and creates jobs for govt. control freaks and lawyers, while not embarrassing the (D)irtbag party as their idiot policies create disasters.

    Locking me up with other teen aholes showed me what society dominated by (D)irtbags is like. The clever manipulate the stupid without fear of the law or morality. An up close view of nascent psychopaths frankly discussing their urges is very instructive. Frank and open discussion of evils by our info “elites” (media, education, leaders) is crucial to avoid rule by the very worst – who gravitate to power and DELIGHT in evil (harm to others).

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