Obama takes Erdogan’s side – IOTW Report

Obama takes Erdogan’s side

Obama: All parties in Turkey should support Erdogan gov’t.

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama on Friday urged all sides in Turkey to support the democratically elected government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan amid a military takeover of the key NATO ally.

In a statement issued after a meeting with his national security advisers, Obama also urged everyone in Turkey to show restraint and avoid violence or bloodshed.

Members of Turkey’s armed forces declared hours earlier that they had taken control of the country as explosions, gunfire and a reported air battle between loyalist forces and supporters of the coup erupted in Ankara, the capital. Erdogan called on the Turkish people to flood the streets in a show of support for his embattled government.

Turkey plays a key role in the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group. American jets use its Incirlik air base to fly missions against the extremists in Syria and Iraq.

Obama discussed the developments by telephone with Secretary of State John Kerry, who was traveling in Moscow for separate meetings with senior Russian officials on Syria.  more

8 Comments on Obama takes Erdogan’s side

  1. Barry loves Muslim dictators.
    And Marxist dictators.
    Human rights and freedom? Not so much.
    Sick bastard should have NEVER been anywhere close to a freedom loving America’s White House.

  2. Or… put another way –
    Since he refuses to utter the term “Radical iSlam” the radical Hussein, that Communist-Organizing Marxist Muzlim Mallard sunovabitch who loves muzlim dictators, evidently believes there is nothing radical whatsoever about fornicating with animals, beating your wife, raping children, horrifically mutilating their victims and cutting off the heads of infidels,

    Hey Republicans!

  3. The last chance for freedom to return to Turkey looks destined to failure.
    The bearded Islamists are winning, the animals will rule the people.
    I expected more than this from Putin, that he let this go down like our ‘Bay of pigs’ is a terrible shame. He was in the position, and had justification, to close the southern border. Doing so would have split the government forces.
    Now the Islamists will create another refugee crisis. Iran won’t let them in, and the south is already a hell hole.

  4. And well he should.

    That was the most bloodless, half-assed coup in the History of coups.

    Without putting on the tinfoil hat, I wouldn’t be surprised if Erdogan hadn’t orchestrated the entire thing (hence, his being “out of country” at the critical moment) to consolidate his position, jettison the constitution, and declare himself “Caliph” of a renewed Ottoman Empire.

    More people died in the Nice rampage than in an alleged coup for control of Asia Minor. Seems kinda tepid for people who stand to die in the event of failure.

    izlamo delenda est …

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