Obama Takes Former Inmates Out to Lunch – IOTW Report

Obama Takes Former Inmates Out to Lunch

obama thumbs up 2

WFB:  President Obama treated seven former inmates to an afternoon out Wednesday that included meeting in the Roosevelt Room and continued on to Busboys and Poets in downtown Washington, D.C.

The Hill reported that since it turned out Obama had an opening in his schedule, he took them to lunch to hear more about their transition back into society after being pardoned from prison. These people were chosen because they turned their lives around after being either commuted or granted clemency:


22 Comments on Obama Takes Former Inmates Out to Lunch

  1. alternate headline “obama hangs with homies and dumps tab on taxpayer”

    will obama be responsible for any damage done by these upstanding citizens while they are on vacation from the “crowbar institute of higher learning”?
    I thought not.

    one more action taken solely for the publicity and divorced from all consequences of it. no it won’t be his daughters murdered in the next drive by these thugs commit but it will be one his “people” who most likely dies.

  2. When this POS commutes the life sentence of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal (Wesley Cook), the boy won’t be able to leave his cell.

    Philly cops will give him a five-minute head-start out the prison gates.

  3. His record with released murdering terrorists at Guantanamo has resulted in more murdered Americans.

    I expect the same from these pardoned “rehabilitated”, felons who dealt in large quantities or cocaine, crack and heroin, many with weapon charges.

    obama continues to deal chaos to the US.

  4. “The lunch was meant to draw attention to Obama’s implementation of criminal justice reforms over his two terms in office.” Reforms? Really? All he did was try to intimidate DAs from prosecuting blacks who committed crimes. Some reform.

  5. How telling. The pres can’t find anyone to have lunch with him except criminals and even then, he has to get them out of prison first. Probably part of the sentence commutation deal.

  6. Terrence Johnson got his … maybe Mumia will get his, as well …

    and Obola, and Ayers, and Holder, and Clinton, and Sanders, and Lynch, and Kirby, and Earnest, and Gibbs, and Emanuel, and de Blasio, … &c.

    I’m sure Obola passed around the Chocolate Starfish for dessert …

  7. Meanwhile, thanks to the 0bama administration, the Hammons and the Bundys remain in prison, the double jeopardy completely overlooked and permitted by the “justice department”, no actual crimes having been committed by any of them, and the Black-Lives-Matter violent racist terrorists get a free pass and more from the head Criminal in Chief. Who paid for those burned cities, destroyed businesses, torched vehicles, etc. ? Who is in prison for those crimes?


    “I’ve got an opening in my schedule” = no tee times available today.

    When is he going to wine and dine any of us who never had to “turn (our) lives around” because we were on the right path since Day One?

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