Obama tells public schools they MUST allow transgenders to use bathroom of choice – IOTW Report

Obama tells public schools they MUST allow transgenders to use bathroom of choice

tranny wall

TRS: The Obama administration is now trying to force all public schools to give deference to transgender students and allow them to use the bathroom of their choice:

AP / ABC 13 – Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina.

The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat their transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex.

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41 Comments on Obama tells public schools they MUST allow transgenders to use bathroom of choice

  1. OK, So if I shoot a Buck this deer season and I only have tags for a doe, can I claim that the buck really wasn’t a buck? I mean, maybe he’d always wanted to be a doe, but through no choice of his own he was born with the physical attributes of a male. Yet on the inside he’s always known he was truly female. I’m just wondering if the game warden will buy it?

  2. Thinking, you’ve got it right. How do you enforce statutory rape laws if the 29 year-old who slept with a 15 year-old can claim that he “identifies” as a 15 year-old girl, and since he identifies as a girl, it’s not really rape, and since he identifies as 15, that age thing flies out the window.

  3. So this proclamation also involves high school sport because of Title IX. I coach HS track and field. Even my scrawny boys can out run and out jump even my best girls. How does this hold up the spirit of Title 9 for “fair” competition for girls if they will now have to compete against genetic males? This is such BS. Special treatment is not equal treatment.

  4. And Michelle is safe from invasion of her privacy because absolutely no one, not even the looniest pervert, wants to be in the bathroom when she’s in there doing her thang. (Retch)

  5. When is someone with enough guts going to call out this SOB for this and tell him to go to Hell? Enough is enough already, boys with an outie use the boys room, girls with an innie use the girls room and the one or two (if that many tranny freaks or idiots who think they’re not what they were born as) can go elsewhere. Give them their own porta potty which they have to keep clean.

  6. Ya know, everyone (apparently the silent majority) complains, but nothing will be done.
    Same as everyone (apparently the silent majority) complains about common core. If you want common core to stop, stop sending your kids to take the common core tests.

    3 years in a row now I’ve been the only parent in 2 separate schools to pull my kids from common core testing. Yet when I talk to the parents they agree that their kid “should” be pulled from it, but they never do.

    It’ll be the same thing with the bathrooms – the system will steamroll and no one will do jack shit.

  7. This will get interesting. There is no legal definition of ‘transgender’. The decree has no legality about it. Districts are already looking to how much and for what purpose fedfunds (meaning our money) is in the pipeline, and how to go about doing without it. As well as states pondering the mechanics of withholding funds sent to the leviathan. .

  8. I have maintained for years that Common Core is a deliberate attempt on the part of the Commie Left to corrupt and confuse the minds of the next generation to weaken America any way possible. Good luck getting an Engineer that can think straight with that kind of tripe as a foundation!
    Now, with so-called “Transgenders” representing the tiniest of slivers of the population, this is obviously one more tool for them to continue to induce chaos, confusion and contempt to distract, divide and destroy… right from the Communist Organizer at the top!!

  9. Damn, born 47 years too early.

    7th grade is first year of Jr High here. Also the first year separate gyms and showers were on the schedule.

    I and another boy were assigned to the girls gym class.

    We showed up on the first day with grins on our face. The girls were grinning too. More like: wtf?, for them.

    Of course we weren’t allowed to keep that class and were forced to be in the boys’ gym.

    Now I would insist on staying there and identify as a lesbian in a male body.

    That would explain the boner I’d get in the girls’ shower.

    Sounds legit to me!

  10. Your headline should read “Obama tells public schools they MUST allow transgenders to use locker rooms and showers of choice”

    To many people think it is only bathrooms. King Obama’s decree puts K-12 boys in the girls showers at schools with no adult supervision.

    Who in their right mind thinks it a good idea to have your 15 year old daughter being naked around 17 year old boys at school?

  11. Paraphrased; This is an ideological car bomb set off by the obama administration, who is now collectively laughing up its sleeve, and is 180 degrees away from the concept of ‘safe spaces’. — Chris Plante

  12. Pull your kids from school en mass
    It is maddening that the dickhole in the Oval Office thinks that by decree he can re-define the mentally disturbed as a civil rights movement.
    Taking that ramshackle train of logic:
    Pedophiles are an ‘identity group’ who need our children to molest or we are somehow violating their rights to pursuit of happiness
    Panhandlers are disenfranchised by white privilege and Whites are now required to give them money or face arrest and prosecution
    Bestiality enthusiasts require a certain number of farm animals on every Farm will be set aside for ‘comfort duty’
    Schizophrenic multiple personalities are to be recognized as ‘whole persons’ in their own right and eligible for government benefits
    The traditional male handshake is a symbol of white oppression, male patriarchal hegemony and White Tribalism. This will now be replaced with mandatory ‘testicle cupping’ during all public greetings. All minorities, Women, and alternate genders are exempted from this law as only white males are capable of oppression.

    F*ck you Barry, I hope you die of ass cancer

  13. Seems like a modern day version of the men of Sodom asking for the angels in Lot’s home so they could buttf*ck them. Refusing his daughters he offered in their stead. Perversion being the norm and expected of everyone.

    Now demanding things that should never be done with children.

  14. Need another reason to pull your children out of public school?
    Or will you continue to approve of the perversity that permeates throughout Public Education?

    Christian schools and homeschooling are for parents who care what is taught to their children. The education is much better, the children will learn respect, honor and integrity not the PC culture clap trap that is now in public schools.

    Really, do it for “your” children.

  15. when I was a kid way back when I always wanted to go in the girls rest-room, who knew, all I had to do was put on a dress and some lipstick- oh well, never to late I guess. 🙁 have a nice day 🙂

  16. Cato, my wife has taught at a Christian school since 1991. The tuition is affordable, and most people would like to send their kids there but . . . Its always “we cant afford it”. They can afford new cars, boats, atv’s and other adult finery, but their kids? Nah, back burner children, we’ve got a cruise planned.

    Their priorities are twisted.

    BTW, Bruce Jenner is partially responsible for this crap. He is now regretting his decision and will probably revert to his factory specs.

  17. Barky KNEW he would throw a stink bomb into American way of life at the closing of his regime…..always said he was a homo from the get go, and Moochiebelle is neither female nor male..who knows what it is?

  18. The thing about old Caitlyn Jenner is he thought he would be f**cked by studs every hour every day, only NO ONE, gay or straight, wants to touch his old wrinkled ass…wakeup call Brucie…ACT YOUR AGE AND ACT MALE…dimwit!

  19. Abolish the DoE along with many other agencies that serve to only control the people and redistribute the wealth of communities. State’s rights, yes, but better if at a lower level of government such as at the level of townships

    DoE has NEVER made any good impact on education. Local, parental, voter control is the way. I saw the wisdom of local control way back in the light ages when I was on the school board.

  20. “do it for the children” mantra has been used by lefties for decades. except when it collides with their true intents.

    leftists don’t give a shit about kids. this proves it.

    and since these shits are in the school system, they will screw your sons and daughters, drive little susie to your abortion, show junior how to have anal sex and collect a great pension at retirement. this is your government indocu center. and 2+2=5.

  21. This infringement on the people just proves Donald’s point – get rid of the Dept of Educ.

    The fourth branch has to go – period – total shake-up.

    I bet we could name many fourth branch departments that need to go or be stripped of their law making and law enforcement powers.

  22. Dan Patrick, Lt Attorney General of Texas (where the real political power resides) said that he will direct superintendents in Texas not to obey the administration’s request.

    Patrick pointed out that Obama’s threat about pulling funding from schools that do not comply is just that – a threat.

    An apt colloquial expressions might be, “Go piss up a rope Obama.”

  23. the smart thing for school boards to do is tell the Fedl Gummint to take their school funding and shove it up their ass.

    It would be a twofer -they would save money by not having to comply with Obama’s expensive fascist unconstitutional homosexual bathroom laws AND their cafeterias could start making money again by serving real food that kids want to eat instead of that tasteless, rotten veejun shit that Moochelle is pushing in her unconstitutional school food laws.

  24. This how marxism works and why Barry a gay, muslim despot should never have been elected to the highest office of the United States of America. Now the foundations of this great nation are being chipped away by a communist power grab.
    The transgender rights edict attack on public schools is just a tool to corrupt the most vulnerable, children. This is done in order to destroy their innocence and condition them to obey and fear the State, despite the God given authority of their parents.
    Buckle up. Barry’s on a tear all the way to the November election. He and Hellary “ain’t no ways tired”.

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