Obama, The Untouchable – Everything He Does Is Beyond Scrutiny – IOTW Report

Obama, The Untouchable – Everything He Does Is Beyond Scrutiny


13 Comments on Obama, The Untouchable – Everything He Does Is Beyond Scrutiny

  1. Louse infested little bastard should be led off the plane directly to a firing squad! And Everyone in this administration should get 30 years in the electric chair!

  2. Bloody he11,

    This administration’s solution to EVERY crisis (which would be a crippling scandal in normal times with a normal press) is to divert attention with some other shiny squirrel. Problem is, every diversion now is an even bigger scandal.

    Bad GDP numbers (and the always “unexpected” downgrading earlier this week was bad, real bad)? How about diverting with an economy wrecking (and basically declaring war on the poor and middle class) cap and spend plan that avoids all that messy “congress and the law” stuff?

    Try to divert away from the VA scandal? How bout with an illegal terrorist negotiation? Wow.

    I’m ashamed, deeply ashamed, of being in any way associated with this administration, if only because we both occupy the same hemisphere.

  3. Eisenhower had Private Eddie Slovik summarily executed by a firing squad in World War 2 for desertion. If Bo Begdahl did desert he deserves the same or at least a lifetime in Leavenworth breaking large rocks into small rocks. Stonewall Jackson also executed some deserters during the Civil War.

  4. Some Asian pivot. State-run ChiCom news outlets are threatening Hanoi and Manila over their audacity to stand up to Beijing’s actions in the East Sea / South China Sea, etc. June 4th is going to be a BIG day this week in Maoland. Pickled Puss’ reset button for China would set off WWIII. But what do they care.

  5. That deserter needs to be slowly executed not only for the desertion but for the soldiers killed looking for his sorry ass.

    I say cut off six fingers one at a time for the six soldiers killed. Then cram a red hot poker up his ass.

    I am sure the 0bama admin knew he was a deserter, this is just a traitorous scheme to let loose 0bama’s muzzie buddies. Perhaps he owed some towlhead a favor?

    This was clearly impeachable, on top of all the other stuff. When will enough be enough?

  6. …Faker-in-Chief will not be happy
    till he destroys the American Republic…
    …Why is the Dictator still in power???
    …Because the GOP-RINOS don’t want to
    scuttle the Gravy Train!!!
    …GOP is 50% of the problem with this
    mess we call America…Impeach the Traitor!!!

  7. Mark my words, Bowe Bergdahl will not face charges of desertion. Maybe a lessor charge, but not desertion.

    He was the test pilot foe Obumphuk’s plan to empty Gitmo.

  8. He’s a deserter who deserves a life sentence. Shooting deserters has never been popular in the army or public since George Washington. For sure, it has been done, and George was the first.

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