Obama to meet with Alton Sterling’s son Thursday – IOTW Report

Obama to meet with Alton Sterling’s son Thursday

WashingtonExaminer: President Obama will meet Thursday with Cameron Sterling, the son of the late Alton Sterling, who was killed last week in an incident with Baton Rouge, La., police, according to one of Sterling’s attorneys.

Sterling will also attend Obama’s town hall event Thursday night, where he will ask the president a question.

Obama spent much of Wednesday meeting with law enforcement leaders and Black Live Matter advocates at the White House about how to handle continued national protests of police officers shooting African-Americans.

17 Comments on Obama to meet with Alton Sterling’s son Thursday

  1. Well, my day’s off to a rocky start.

    What a fucking sack full of dog crap. Let’s see him meet with the widows and children of the slain Dallas cops, okay?

    Nah, won’t happen. It’s more important to legitimize the BLM movement.

    Fucking useless minority kiss-ass.

    Trump 2016.

  2. He will meet with anyone who is a felon, related to a felon, terrorists, black leeches matter people, and anyone who hates America.
    But he will NOT meet with the victims of crime from his friends, nor will he even light the White House in blue to honor the fallen officers.
    But he will light it up for Prince, and for the fags.
    I cannot wait until this POS drops dead.
    I hope he suffers a huge painful amount before his end.

  3. No shit gfy-I note also he never met with his Intelligence Chief but he’s got time to fan the racial hate flames. This sends the message to the BLM crowd that they’ve got free reign to wreck havoc. Now when the worm turns, and it will, watch how quickly he’ll come down on us. It’s probably his plan anyway.

    This was the guy that the large nigeress was touting as the father taken away from his children right? The same guy that was over $25,000 behind in child support, right? The same guy that had a mile long rap sheet and had been arrested for the very same thing a few years earlier, that is selling illegally copied CDs, brandishing a gun and resisting arrest, right?

    He was out on parole and had he been arrested with the gun they found on him, it’s back to prison, right? That guy, right Obama?, you fucking piece of crap.

  4. I’m in the middle of Heather macdonald,s new book, “The War on Cops”. Pretty depressing but check out this statistic.

    “Per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.”

    This totally destroys the false narrative of BLM and their generalissimo Obama.
    Is he giving them operational orders for next weeks RNC Convention or do those come from Soros?

  5. Not surprising since his he mentioned this bag of shit and the other guy by name a few times while ‘honoring’ Dallas police. Words can not accurately capture what a despicable disgrace this man is.

  6. Of course he will. This President will take every chance offered to increase the racial divide he and the Democrats started, fanning the flames just before the GOP convention and doing everything in his power to ensure deaths and mayhem. I sometimes wonder what would happen if the Secret Service as well as the cops and the armed forces just refused to guard this leftist anarchist. I know that the Black Panthers would step up but then pics of them guarding the Whitehouse while the president cowers inside wouldn’t exactly be good for his image.

  7. @MM,

    Hey, thanks for the dirt on Alton. I spent five years of my Family Court career working all day, every day in a child support courtroom. I reserve my best axes to grind against deadbeat dads. Scum sperm donors!

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