LONDON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama will come to London in April and urge British voters to back continued membership of the European Union, The Independent on Sunday newspaper reported.
Britons vote in June on whether to remain part of the world’s biggest trading bloc and Obama has previously said he wants Britain to stay in the EU and help maintain the post-war transatlantic partnership.
Most opinion polls show voters are split with a – More
Going for those UN Secretary General Brownie Points.
Wait until you see how hard he campaigns for a North American Union if Heidi Cruz gets in the White House. 🙁
He hates dissent, him and all his cronies need the commoners to fall in line, lest they scratch his thin veneer.
April Fool…
Yeah, Obummer going to convince the UK to stay in the Union will work about as good as going to Chicago to get the Olympics to come there. I meet a lot of Brits when I travel and none of them want to stay in the Union. Wherever he shows up, he doesn’t like the outcome.
That fucker is on the wrong side of everything..
Henry Waxman is jealous…
obama trying to do to Great Britain what he’s done in the US.
Agitate, incite and divide are his agenda and legacy.
obama had better hope that cameron doesn’t punch his lights out after what obama just said about him. His visit should be just the thing to ASSURE that Britain leaves the EU.
If Tony Blair had the reasoning to state he would be toxic in a pro-EU push, Li’l O will only aid Farage’s push.
Why not? Meddling in Israel’s elections worked real well.
He’s got SOOO much personal influence.
@TheBigOwe: At the link you provided–Farage (I like the guy).
“The 51-year-old was happy to read this week’s Recorder and said the poll showing 63.8 per cent of readers wanting to leave the EU was “very pleasing and assuring”.”
63% sounds good to me too!
This should drive home the message to Great Britain……GET OUT NOW!!!!!!
Yay! Everything he touches turns to merde! This is a good thing! He’s got the Minus Touch.
I’m sure his smugness and stammering, whiney voice will convince the average Brit to disregard the chance to reclaim thier country’s sovereignty.
Really going to consolidate ISIS power and dominion in the UK. Someone please relieve us of our misery while he’s there. Send Trumpie with him.
After blaming them for Libya, he goes and tells them how to run things.
Hopefully there’s a Barry-Lightning bolt interface on a golf course soon.
A year ago the son-of-a-bitch was complaining about Netanyahu speaking before our Congress and meddling in US affairs and now he wants to lecture the Brits about the EU? Damned hypocrite!
BFH needs to focus on the Heidi Cruz issues with trying to make the western hemisphere one big European Union West…..Cruz gets in, that will happen. Cruz is toxic,
Why just last week oboma blamed PM Cameron for the Libya “shit show,” as he put it. I hope th e British press jumps all over his sorry ass.
This is great news!!!!
Preznint Sh!t Midas turns everything he touches t well…SH!T.
Virtually seals GB getting out of the pEU.