Obama Used ICE Agents To Harass Reporters During His Administration – IOTW Report

Obama Used ICE Agents To Harass Reporters During His Administration

Illegal Alien Crime Report: No longer allowed to conduct work site enforcement raids, nor enforce immigration laws within the interior of this country, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were apparently ordered by the Obama administration to investigate/intimidate the handful of reporters who dared to keep the public informed as to the threat posed to this nation by criminal aliens…Namely, this columnist.

On June 4, 2014, I, your humble reporter, received an email from ICE Agent Fred out of a North Carolina office (The agent asked that his full name not be used out of concern for his personal safety, and being a patriot, I am complying with that request.), who was asking what proof I had that certain individuals named as child sex-crime suspects were illegal aliens.

In addition to asking some questions about specific individuals, Agent Fred also offered a rather tired lesson in political correctness, by offering the following bit of wisdom: “Having a Hispanic last name does not necessarily make him an illegal alien.”

Agent Fred also wanted to know how I had obtained “information on the individuals listed from Durham, Johnston, Sampson, Beaufort, Franklin and Vance counties.”

Our correspondence continued for several days, and at one point I asked just who it was who had ordered him to contact/harass me. Not surprisingly, he refused to answer, I then queried: “I am curious, is this the first time you were asked to go through an article to check on criminal status? It seems rather an odd task for an ICE agent.”

Agent Fred simply replied: “Mr. Gibson, it is very unusual.”  MORE

6 Comments on Obama Used ICE Agents To Harass Reporters During His Administration

  1. Tip of the ICEberg! Spygate/Russian Collusion nonsense/Election meddling by the Obama administration is just the beginning, queue this up! Jeez! we only have eight years to uncover all this bull crap that happened under the Obama administration!?
    There is so much more!!!


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