Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia Against Victims’ Families – IOTW Report

Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia Against Victims’ Families

The move sets Obama up for a possible first veto override by Congress. Both chambers passed the bill by voice vote. The House sent Obama the bill just before the 15th anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001.


18 Comments on Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia Against Victims’ Families

  1. So, congressional Republicans, you can over-ride a veto with a 2/3rds vote! There is an election in a month, what are you waiting for? Hold the dems feet to the fire! Bunch of cowards.

  2. Trust me, I hate Obama more than most anyone, but I think I agree with the veto here. Passing this law will have tremendous unexpected consequences, as you would start seeking the US government and US citizens sued for many many things in courts throughout the world.

  3. My concern as well, Joe. I fully believe that the Saudis have been criminally complicit in directing our foreign policy for decades. But the unexpected consequences of that law being enacted will result in a storm of excremental proportions…there’s gotta be a better way to make the sons-of-bitches pay.

  4. I’m not sure I understand. If there were foreign lawsuits waiting in the wings for the US to set a precedent they would have already been launched. Finding a friendly judge in Spain, Portugal, France, England etc is about as hard as finding sand on the beach. Their governments would probably not get involved as a lot of them are effectively anti-American (or at least not pro) and allow the court system to flow through. Let the congress override the veto and the plaintiffs try to prove their case in court.

  5. I am afraid that as written this bill could become a two way street.

    I’m afraid that as written this bill could become a to ay street. If American citizens are allowed to sue other countries then foreign citizens could sue the United States. Pandora’s box? Don’t get me wrong, I cannot recall a time I ever agreed with obozo. I am sure e have different reasons for our position on this particular bill.

  6. I think all government officials should be able to be sued for their actions by anyone with standing.

    one reason our elected officials scoff at us is our blind allegiance to what ever crap they push on us.
    common core
    muslim immigration
    blm and democrat sponsored race riots

    all pushed on us by our elitist politicians with no fear of any responsibility for what they have done.

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