Obama vs Obama – IOTW Report

Obama vs Obama

obama liar

A mashup of some Obama clips that show a lack of consistency, to say the least.— Dan Joseph.

11 Comments on Obama vs Obama

  1. Sigh. I tried to watch the video. I got to the first lie and skipped ahead of more lies and finally, after about 5 or 6 clicks ahead, heard the last lie. I just couldn’t bear to hear that (all of the negative descriptions anyone that has ever lived can think of) person talk.

    I was watching a show about the work of people planning to visit Mars (I love anything to do with space exploration) and they had a clip of little o saying something about America’s future in space. I said some bad words, changed the channel and watched a show about Nazi collaborators.

    Bastard has ruined America’s space program. But the individual American spirit will prevail – if he doesn’t crush it out of existence in the next two years.

  2. Maybe:
    Give each of the 2 Obamas a hammer,
    (or one a hammer and one a sickle…)
    lock them in a cage,
    charge Pay Per View MATCH.

    Funds go to reducing the National Debt.

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