Diogenes’ Middle Finger:
Barky, speaking before a group of young adults in Chicago Monday, warned aspiring politicians to be careful of what pictures they take of themselves, and said if there were pictures of some of his activities while in school, he may not have been elected president.
more here
Warning: NC-17, put down your drinks, shield your devices.
Take that stick and beat yourself unconscious.
Why is this insensate turd being validated anymore? His ticket was punched. Pah.
Why do we care what this POS says or does. Fuck him he is useless.
” Powder on his nose and a Cock in his Mouth “
Barky calls Chicago’s Man Country – School?
I guess no pics were permitted to be taken in the back seat of some rich prev’s car on Oahu during his back seat schooling during his teen years.
Phuck Barky, may he become a statistic in Chiraq.
JS, go take a hike!
Who managed to capture Barack having sex with a man?
Hey Obama, “gay porn” is not the same as a selfie and I’m glad there are no pictures.
He never could resist taking a photo of an ASS….
Oh STFU you ass boil !
And die already so I can piss on your grave.
Jerry Mandarin – if rumors prove out, they all had fatal’accidents’; the kind of fatal accidents that people around the Clinton’s have had.