Obama, We hate Manure!!! – IOTW Report

Obama, We hate Manure!!!

obama fly

You might want to stand on a chair for this one in order to save your shoes because the manure is getting deep.

In the speech Obama gave to the Cuban people sometime before or after doing the wave with Raul Castro, he states that he believes people should be allowed to peacefully protest their government.  Basically he tells the people he believes in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.

Obama doesn’t believe in the 1st Amendment his comments were just political double talk. There are several examples to support this claim that he doesn’t believe in the 1st Amendment.

Recapture Canyon Protest in Utah

Example #1 Recapture Canyon Protest in Utah.  This was a peaceful lawful protest on a open county road and yet two people (a County Commissioner and local News Blogger) were convicted of conspiracy and trespassing and fined $95,000 dollars.    Federal Judge Shelby refused to allow the defendants to use the 1st Amendment as a defense.  more

5 Comments on Obama, We hate Manure!!!

  1. Great article. This has all been on my mind lately. And the Black-Lives-Racists with their free pass to do as they wish; This country has never seen such deep shit.

    Also, the media still refers to LaVoy Finicum as if he was “anti-government”. That is a big fat lie; he often spoke about how we needed a government that serves the People. The truth is: he was anti-CORRUPT-Government. And he was murdered by the very type of government he despised, not by the type of government that was laid out in the constitution.

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