Obama White House Knew About Clinton Emails Years Earlier Than Previously Admitted – IOTW Report

Obama White House Knew About Clinton Emails Years Earlier Than Previously Admitted

Epoch Times: 

WASHINGTON—Top officials working in the White House for President Barack Obama knew Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using a private email system for official government business three years before it became public, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

“WH [White House] called – have we received a FOIA request from CREW (Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington) on the topic of personal use of email by senior officials?

“Apparently other agencies have. If we have it, can you give me the details so I can call the WH back? I think they’d like it on quick turnaround. Thanks! Sheryl,” read a Dec. 20, 2012 email from Sheryl L. Walter, who was then director of the Department of State’s Office of Information Programs and Services (IPS). Her email was addressed to several of her subordinates.

She was referring to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request her office received from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which, like Judicial Watch, is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit that advocates for transparency in government.

In the same email thread, Walters forwarded the CREW request to Heather Samuelson, who was then Clinton’s liaison to the Obama White House.

“Hi Heather – Copy attached, it was in our significant weekly FOIA report that we send to L and S/ES also. Do you want us to add you to that list? It’s a subset of things like this that we think likely to be of broader department interest. More detail below re this request.

“As a practical matter given our workload, it won’t be processed for some months. Let me know if there are any particular sensitivities. If we don’t talk later, happy holidays! All the best, Sheryl,” Walter told Samuelson.

The email was among 44 pages of documents in the latest batch Judicial Watch has obtained in discovery ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth.

There are multiple references among the documents that indicate White House knowledge of Clinton’s non-secure email use, according to Judicial Watch.  more here

13 Comments on Obama White House Knew About Clinton Emails Years Earlier Than Previously Admitted

  1. Obola approved the “secret server” BEFORE her appointment as Secretary of State.

    I don’t understand why everyone conveniently forgets.
    (I do – I’m being facetious)

    Her shenanigans could NOT have occurred without the sanction of the President – and the knowledge of the spook agencies: NSA, CIA, DIA, and FBI. It simply isn’t possible that EVERY-fukkin-ONE in ALL those agencies is a brain-dead, lobotomized, imbecilic, retarded, treasonous moron.

    Treasonous? Yes. Definitely.

    But stupid? Dumb? No fuckin way.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sure, his “White House” knew about it. But he didn’t until he heard about it on the news. There wasn’t one iota of scandal in his administration. It was scandal-free!

  3. @Walpurgis May 12, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    “The democrats are a crime organization that, for some reason, is beyond the reach of the law.”

    The government is a crime organization that, by design, is beyond the reach of the law.

  4. TIM

    I’v said many times that those “Swamp forces” you have listed should be abolished; and all workers fred!

    this is just one, of many ties the last 29 years that they have worked against “working Americans” for the “new World Order”!

  5. Just because the White House knew doesn’t mean Old Jug Ears knew. He only knows what’s in the funny papers Mommy Jarrett reads to him.

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