Obamacare Finds New Ways to Fail – IOTW Report

Obamacare Finds New Ways to Fail

New York Post 

Federal officials can’t resolve 85 percent of 2.9 million “inconsistencies” on applications for ObamaCare even after nine months of trying, according to new data provided by the administration.

Read the story here


8 Comments on Obamacare Finds New Ways to Fail

  1. seriously, when did Americans start to accept this level of incompetence PERIOD. every federal agency is fukked up beyond belief. when I think of public “servants” making more than the private sector employees I go nutz. both parties are responsible for this mess, why are only patriots & lovers of America being great, concerned?

  2. This reminds me of Mort Saul’s comment that if you were drowning 30 feet out Nixon would throw a life ring on a 20 foot rope and justify it by saying “Hey, I met you more than half way!”
    The Øbamboozler screws the American people up the poop-chute seven ways to Sunday and media doesn’t say anything.
    Way to go media dickheads!!

  3. OK, just for accuracy the real quote is:
    Nixon’s the kind of guy that if you were drowning 50 feet off shore, he’d throw you a 30 foot rope. Then Kissinger would go on TV the next night and say that the President had met you more than half-way. (1973).

    You get the idea…

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