Obamacare’s expected double-digit rate increases boost Republicans’ repeal efforts – IOTW Report

Obamacare’s expected double-digit rate increases boost Republicans’ repeal efforts


WashingtonTimes: Insurers are preparing for Obamacare customers double-digit rate increases to be announced in coming months, handing Republicans a key talking point as they try to persuade voters to accept a repeal of the 2010 health care law.

The people signing up for Obamacare so far are sicker than expected, meaning insurers will have to raise rates to cover the costs, in what nonpartisan analysts said amounts to a “market correction.”  more

Even as insurers grapple with a most costly population, they are about to lose some of the supports built into Obamacare that have helped mitigate their losses in the first couple of years of operation.

12 Comments on Obamacare’s expected double-digit rate increases boost Republicans’ repeal efforts

  1. Yep. You read that here correctly.
    That’s “RATE” increases.
    NOT “enrollment” increases.
    NOT “coverage” increases.
    NOT “plan” increases.

  2. But but but ‘everybody knows’ that everyone got to keep their plan, their doctor (but only if they liked said doctor) and got something like $2500 in savings. Yeah right.

  3. Here’s the key quote, “Whether Republicans will capitalize, though, is in doubt.”

    After Cruz and Kasich dropped out Trump has been sounding more like McConnell, who after being handed the keys to the driver’s seat in the Senate has stampeded as frequently as possible to brag about passing bipartisan legislation that favored Obama’s plans. Hopefully if that is Trump’s plan if elected it will be bipartisan only with a lot unwilling Demos and RINOs. Or we end up replacing Zerocare with single payer if Zerocare is repelled, and not something better. Only then will we know if he is a skillful negotiator or not. I hope he is, and continues to twist the establishment politicians in knots moving the country in the correct direction.

  4. This is like handing the GOP a .357 loaded with silver bullets with the werewolf tied to a chair only to watch the GOP shoot 5 rounds at point blank range and only managing to blow the restraints off the werewolf and then that last shot misses the werewolf, AGAIN, hits a metal pipe and bounce back and hit the GOP in the head.

    Never under estimate the GOP’s ability to hand over an easy win.

  5. “And it’s too late, baby now, it’s too late,
    Though we really did try to make it.
    Somethin’ inside has died, and I can’t hide,
    And I just can’t fake it, oh, no, no.
    There’ll be good times again for me and you,
    But we just can’t stay together; don’t you feel it too?…”

  6. I’ve not been shy with the pro-Trump stuff, but what I want somebody to ask him is:
    Will you restore the 40 hour work week?
    This country could use a return of the 40 hr week.
    Get rid of O-care and bring back the 40 hr week,
    Make it happen Mr. Trump and your landslide will make Bill clutch his chest and fall over backward and expire, and Hilary will take two steps back and fall over backward and expire, hissing like a cat the whole time.

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