ObamaLunch dropped – IOTW Report

ObamaLunch dropped

Truthfeed: Good news for school kids in Pennsylvania, and hopefully beyond – after dropping Michelle Obama’s failed school lunch plan, the program has soared to success!

A Pennsylvania high school’s decision to cancel former first lady Michelle Obama’s lunch program for a free-market alternative was a smashing, and tasty success!

From Western Journal

Previously plagued by long wait lines, low participation rates, calorically inadequate meals, overfull trash bins and a burgeoning budget deficit, Penn-Trafford High School’s lunch program is now a hit with students and administrators alike.

“We’ve lost, to date, about $40,000 worth of reimbursement, but our sales are up about $50,000 over last year,” district business manager Brett Lago explained to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Likewise, the participation rate has climbed from 25 to 45 percent, while the trash bins have grown far less cluttered.  MORE

9 Comments on ObamaLunch dropped

  1. Someday (now maybe) we’ll look back at this as a prime example of government overreach into our lives.
    I mean really. Dictating to our kids what they are allowed to eat for lunch!?!

  2. well it’s official,
    both barrock and moochelle ideas were both big failures.

    how come it’s harder to undue the aca than the school lunch program?

    the republican establishment wanted to run bush because they did not want to win and repeal the aca.
    they love power over your life just like the democrats do.

    how many bills did the republicans pass in congress over the last 6 years to only have barrock veto them? and now they can’t pass one that will surely get signed.

    there’s a nigger in the wood pile and it’s no longer barrock!

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