Obama’s disgraced Secret Service head spotted working for disgraced Cardinal Wuerl – IOTW Report

Obama’s disgraced Secret Service head spotted working for disgraced Cardinal Wuerl

American Thinker: Journalist George Neumayr asks the question of the morning: “Why is Obama’s Secret Service head working for Cardinal Wuerl?”

Recall that Cardinal Wuerl was the former Archbishop of Pittsburgh named in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report for failing to adequately stop his priests from homosexual molestation. Neumayr notes:

“Wuerl met with the pope on Thursday [August 30] and Francis wants him to determine his future by consulting with his priests,” a source close to the chancery informed me earlier this month. I broke that story on Twitter, then waited for the scandal-besieged Wuerl, who has emerged as the Cardinal Law of 2018, to return from Rome. I had heard that he was planning to meet with his priests on Labor Day at Little Flower parish in Bethesda, Maryland for a 5 P.M. meeting, with a cookout to follow. read more

7 Comments on Obama’s disgraced Secret Service head spotted working for disgraced Cardinal Wuerl

  1. Too bad George Neumayr didn’t have a parabolic microphone handy to eavesdrop on this outdoor secret meeting. And why the hell is the “Pope” delegating his authority to the parish priests, many of whom (presumably) Whurl himself ordained?


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