Obama’s Feds Tried to Hack Indiana’s Election System While Pence Was Governor – IOTW Report

Obama’s Feds Tried to Hack Indiana’s Election System While Pence Was Governor

DC: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials tried to hack Indiana’s state electoral system with at least 14,800 “scans” or hits between Nov. 1, 2016, to Dec. 16, 2016, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

The attacks are the second confirmed IT scanning assault by DHS officials against states that resisted then-President Barack Obama’s attempt to increase federal involvement in state and local election systems by designating them as “critical infrastructure” for national security.

Members of the National Association of Secretaries of State voted Saturday at their winter meeting to oppose the designation. They are asking President Donald Trump to overturn it. Former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence was also Trump’s vice presidential-elect during much of the period covered by the DHS scans of the Indiana system.

Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, the incoming president of the association, told The DCNF Tuesday that, “we know that between November 1 and December 16 we were scanned with about 14,800 scans, nearly 15,000 different times.”

The state’s IT team traced the intruder to a DHS computer’s IP address. The same DHS unit attempted 10 times in 2016 to hack into the Georgia electoral system.

Federal officials are barred under DHS rules from trying to penetrate a state system without the express approval of the state. Neither Georgia nor Indiana approved the DHS scanning attempts.

The DHS inspector general has launched an official investigation into the Georgia breach attempt.

Thomas Vessely, IT director for the Indiana secretary of state, told TheDCNF that “we kindly declined [DHS] assistance because we were very comfortable in the work we were doing in monitoring our election system.”

Lawson said she “always assumed it was because I was the incoming President of the National Association of Secretaries of State and because we declined their assistance.”  MORE

21 Comments on Obama’s Feds Tried to Hack Indiana’s Election System While Pence Was Governor

  1. Soooo, someone at DHS tried to get into a system they were expressly forbidden access to. Great, find the person(s) who did it and find out whether they were ordered to do it and work the way up the chain. Only make a “deal” with someone who can give you the next step in the chain. People need to get fired for cause or indicted for this. Sure would be nice to see it get back to the WH in some form.

  2. This is something that destroys faith in the social contract. For the sake of the Republic those responsible must be dragged before and court, tried and if found guilty given the max punishment. We are talking “example” level of punishment.

  3. It seems that I overestimated obamas intelligence. He’s not nearly as smart as I once feared he was. He’s just an angry halfwit, without any real mental acuity. Thank God. Not saying he didn’t do plenty of damage, evil? Yes. Mastermind? He wishes.

  4. It is racist and homophobic and anti-LGBT, xyz and anti-muzz and anti-illegal alien, and white privilege for Indiana to even bring this up. Any negativity toward Obola’s politicized federal agencies will not be tolerated. Looting, rioting, blocking major Indiana highways starts in 3…2…1..

  5. Under imam obama’s administration, the non-partisan, professional FBI investigated these hacking attempts. They were unable to identify any intent by DHS as all records were either lost in a computer crash or mistakenly deleted from the DHS system. The FBI cited DHS actions as non-criminal, but careless. No charges will be filed due to lack of evidence.
    Sec. of DHS,Jeh Johnson the muslim collaborator, was not available for comment.

  6. Remember when Obama said it was impossible for somebody to hack the election? At the time it seemed bizarre for him to say such a thing. But now it makes perfect sense when you realize that DHS would only be doing this under his orders.

  7. This is why they were so sure hitlery would win. They thought they had all their bases covered. Trump was wired into his supporters while the left had no idea, and thought they had us outnumbered with the media, the corruption, and the clueless brainwashed.

  8. @Redacted – the enemy has infiltrated our republic. The govt. has been the enemy of the people for many years now. Thank God we weren’t stuck with the candidate they had picked out for us and their coup is unsuccessful – although they haven’t given up yet. The demoncraps have placed enough traitors and enemy infiltrators that they believe they still have a chance to bring the US down.

  9. At DHS they take a very broad view of their mission statement. iow, anything goes for this out of control bunch.
    “Secretary Johnson Announces New DHS Mission Statement. I am pleased and proud to release to the public today our new mission statement for the Department of Homeland Security: “With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.”

    https://www.dhs.gov/our-mission .

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